I think they win in Civilization 6.
Starbuck died on the way back to her home planet.
Really? Can you blame him for wanting to get the movie made? Maybe he will do a good job. It's easy to crap all over other people's ambitions when you have very little of your own.
Not if they’ve eaten enough pineapple!
Whilst I totally tired of the game after a while (not a slight on it, just don’t like doing the same thing much too often) I feel like this a bit misses the point (or missed the point of what was fun for me).
but it makes me feel superior!
$4,500 to fund a one-note joke game with a shelf life of the same three minutes it takes to play? Sign me up! Or can I just stroll on down to Spencer’s Gifts and buy it alongside all the penis-shaped pasta for bachelorette parties and blatantly misogynist t-shirt selections?
Out there, somewhere, is an Aborigine side-eying the shit out of him right now.
“Bloody foreigners, coming to our country, taking our jobs, imposing their way of life on us. I won’t stand for it!”
Ugh, what an insufferable and jaded review. This movie is right up there with the top solo movies from Iron Man, Cap and Thor, only bested by the ensemble flicks. Danvers is never a blank slate. She has plenty of personality at the beginning, and uncovering details about her past fleshes out her motivation and core…
I’m pretty late to the comment thread here, but after having a couple of days to think about it, I wanted to write out my thoughts on the film, so I figured I would post them here...
So I just got out of it, and I agree. The trailers gave it no justice whatsoever! I liked the subtle nods to “The Enemy Within.” I kinda expected they would do that storyline. It’s one of her best. I’m excited to see what they can do with a sequel that’s not bogged down with an origin story.
So, I went to see the movie last night, and it was great; not my favorite MCU movie by a long shot, but not the worst, either. I came back here mostly to re-read your review, and try to puzzle out why you thought this was a C movie. And the best answer that I can come up with is that you simply don’t seem to get…
I feel like this review is totally negating the fact that this is an orgin story movie and is expecting too much. Setting up a hero takes time and exposition. Unlike all the other heroes in the marvel franchise, she is not already established and doesnt have the luxury to spend an entire movie on plot related to the…
I saw this movie last night and also REALLY enjoyed it. Was it the best Marvel movie of the entire franchise? No of course not but was it enjoyable and set up the endgame? YES very excitedly yes. Brie Larson as Carol was so well done - I found her strong and delightful and her chemistry with Fury was definitely…
“It’s everything you might expect a sci-fi superhero movie to be, if you hadn’t seen one in a long time.”
Boy, could I not disagree with this review more. I really, really enjoyed this movie. I found the writing solid, the chemistry between the actors very good, and the action compelling. It is not without a single flaw, but very few movies in existence can say that. As Marvel movies that introduce new protagonists go, it…
I could honestly not care any less about whether the lead is male, female, Yeti or Jawa for that matter. I just want a well written story that doesn’t shit over all the continuity established by previous works in the field (Cough-Last Jedi -cough).
Movie Critics are extremely overrated today. You don’t need to have a long article, pointing out every thing you disliked about the movie. I feel sorry for you, you are unable to get past your own ego, and just enjoy a movie. Movie Critics were popular before the internet due to only having a couple ways to find out…