
Same here. When my husband and I moved from LA to North County (San Diego) at the end of 2018, one of the reasons we did so was to be closer to my parents (both in their early 80s), as they live in South OC. I haven’t seen my parents since the pandemic began, even though they’re only a 40 minute drive up the 5. My

I laughed so hard reading that NRA response tweet. They sound like they are the only thing standing in the way of a full, immediate repeal of the Second Amendment. Obviously, whoever wrote it never bothered to do the basic research to learn that repealing an amendment isn’t exactly easy or quick.

Sounds like a closing shift I had once at Brentano’s in Century City. A friend stopped by and we went next door to Houston’s during my half hour dinner break for cosmos. I think we were going to order spinach dip but didn’t have time. Did have time for two cosmos each though. The rest of my shift was kind of a blur

If she doesn’t get the nod, though, she goddamned well better be the AG. THIS IS NOT NEGOTIABLE, BIDEN.

I worked with a guy who, prior to becoming a travel agent, did a stint in entertainment, and worked with her. He had absolutely nothing nice to say about her; in fact, quite the opposite. 

Personally, Zendaya had my vote with her dick-pic dissection. 

I was going to say, “He looks just like a guy who covertly paid for an abortion to cover up screwing around on his wife/girlfriend.” He just has that look.

Like a cow, they are cozy and cute but ultimately boring. I know this because no one is ever in a social situation like, “Woooo, I’m a Taurus!”

As a pisces, pisces should be ranked much lower.

Would that I have more than one star to give, because “hyena barf” deserves so many more.

I realize this is off-topic, and I’m going to sound like Queen Petty...but can I just say how that picture show how spectacularly (and poorly) the Orange-in-Chief is aging? Or more appropriately, rotting?

My late MIL was mother to 3 boys (my husband is the middle, 2 years younger than his older brother and just 16 months older than his younger brother). I once asked her what her grocery bill was like when they were teenagers, and she said it was $300/week, and that was on the low end. 

I’ve got 20 years on you, and having lived through the Dick Dynasty 2000-2008, I will say this: the Cheneys are truly horrible. But they’re not stupid. 

Kayleigh McEnany is a lying bitch.

you can’t flush tampons (that really destroys your plumbing)

it’ll be safer than staying at home - Disney would NEVER open if there was any risk of us getting infected, so they need to open NOW!

But he was also known for completely trashing hotel rooms, and that is violent behavior.

Yeah, looking at the photos from People, I don’t necessarily get a “couple” vibe. 

President Projection, once again. 

I honestly have no idea...and every time I’d say to myself, “GODAMMIT, why do I have to go back and format those cells to TEXT?”