Porsche Monk

Shame this is happening to American companies and workers, but fighting climate change means leaving as much fossil fuels remaining underground as possible.

Apparently you must be the only one who knows how things work.  These institutional investors really need to hire you.

Wake up now! Tesla can make money today if they back off in the expansion. You were likely one on the ones 15 years ago complaining how Amazon never made money.

I’d rather have a CEO invested in the company’s 5-10 year future than the 1-2 quarters most CEOs seem to be focused on

As a first mover, Tesla should not be trying to make profit at this point. Every dollar above breakeven should be invested into R&D or capital expansion. 

Yep, I’d rather have a car I can take to near the limit without being at ridiculous speeds.  Accidents can happen near the limit, and I'll be the first to admit I'm no pro. I'd much rather be going slower when something happens.

It needs to also inherit some looks from Type Rs of yore. 

I will no longer buy a mint condition E46 without demanding the owner’s VHS.

You should never be able to have user error on this. My Boxster has a warning if the frunk isn’t closed properly. There should be no way for it to fly open unless the warning light is on the dash. If you can improperly close it without the warning light flashing, it’s a design problem.

Tesla is selling every car that it makes. Stocks look to future results, not current. Investors are licking their lips at the potential sales as more factories come online.

I thought I was a genius when I bought at $280 and sold at $485... Now not so much.

I’m going to have to decide on a GTI/Veloster N stick shift vs the Tesla 3 SR+ in another year or so. I won’t even consider an ICE vehicle with an automatic, the electic drivetrain is way more responsive than the best automatic.

I find newer bikes much more reliable, especially brake/shifters/gears/derailleurs have gotten much better and reliable. Most decent commuter bikes these days will go 10k miles. I guess if you find an old bike that needs no refurbishing, go for it. In addition to tires/tubes/brake pads/saddle, I’d want to recable

Glad I had my 1980's Schwinn experience when I bought one new as a teenager in 1989. It was an ok bike back then (great for me and my teenage budget), not great by modern standards, and certainly a piece of junk when bought used 30 years old.

So much hurt, did you short TSLA?

How did they miss the opportunity for a Hellcat edition for its last hurrah?

I was in the market in June and dealers were definitely not looking to move inventory. They seemed to be maximizing profit where they could. I had one dealer confirm the best he could do on a loaner S60 was 4% OVER sticker.

I remember when people were agonizing about MB releasing the C class ‘Baby Benz’. Now frumpy looking FWD CLAs all over the place. If people love the brand, they’ll overpay for an entry level car. The CT4 makes sense in that light, but Cadillac doesn’t have the image to sell it.