Porsche Monk

I think JdN wanted to invest more into Cadillac than GM was willing to risk.

I’m on the wrong website if we’re celebrating any of these old average cars. Some cars deserve people to spend irrational amounts of money on them to keep them roadworthy. No David, your cars aren’t roadworthy. These cars deserve to be parted out in a junkyard.

I bought a 5spd V6 coupe NEW FROM THE FACTORY. My little part in keeping the stick shift alive. What have you done with your life?

Tesla is beyond the point at which they are at risk of going bankrupt. Once the Model 3 entered mass production their future was secure. The stock may drop from its crazy high valuation, but that won’t have a huge effect on the company. Right now they can get capital cheaply by their high share price, but they’ll

That’s what I’m doing, we are both WFH and I’ll likely be at least until a few months into 2021.

Anyone shopping as an amateur car detailer should be getting a dual action orbital.

Anyone shopping as an amateur car detailer should be getting a dual action orbital.

Playing junkyard musical cars is missing the point entirely about respecting your neighbors.

I don’t believe someone’s interest in their property values should infringe upon a neighbor’s right to live how they want to live.”

Your not wrong”

This is totally badass. Needs a LS swap to finish the job. Well done sir.

Yep, BEVs have superior drivetrains to mass market cars. Linear throttle response, no transmission or turbo lag, quiet, higher reliability, lower maintenance. I’d take a Bolt drivetrain over a CVT Nissan any day and I think most consumers will as well.

At even at $100K or whatever, Tesla can’t make a profit.”

You can refuse delivery on a Tesla you ordered.  Inspect it before you sign the delivery papers.  There are online checklists of things to look for.

A cash machine like Apple making $55 Billion per year is worth a shit ton for its ongoing ability to make profits.

Umm, he’s launched 87 rockets successfully with payloads and one manned mission just last month.  Satellite companies are changing their business models because the cost to space is getting cheaper.  I can’t tell if you’re trolling me or truly ignorant on the subject.

3) He’s hoping to eventually change space launches. At the moment, nothing meaningful has been done there either."

Good to know I can stuff 8.9 cubic feet of hamburgers in the trunk, but unfortunately they don’t provide the metric conversion in Kielbasa.

You need to check out lease hackr if you think those are good deals. I’m in a $51k V60 for $350/mo with 0 DAS.

Not always, sometimes there are incentives only available on a lease. It’s also nice to limit risk. It’s just important to negotiate price on a lease just as if you were purchasing. If your car gets in a wreck and and is repaired, it’s lost value if you own it but not on lease turn in. If the value of the car tanks

There are some lease deals to be had, and if you’re buying new it can be cheaper to lease unless you plan to hold for 10+ years. Check out lease hackr, I just leased a $51k V60 for $379/mo (incl tax) with 0 down. If I keep doing this I’ll never pay for maintenance or repairs, and I don’t pay sales tax on the full