Porschebago Redux, formerly Mini Mid-life Crisis

Happy Birthday, Jason! Your Korvid Republic Pandemic Car monograph still makes me giggle. Occasionally a bit of pee comes out, too. That’s something to look forward to as you move into your next decade and your prostate becomes less supple.

Disney held the lease on the Queen Mary for a time, and was unable to make money. When Disney fails to make money with a Thing, that is a strong indication that particular Thing is not a viable target for investment.

You’d be amazed at the workload our local UPS drivers have.

It should be noted that Rick Mears, Al Sr., and AJ Foyt would be amazingly terrible “Dancing With the Stars” contestants. 

Anyone but Santino Ferrucci, please.

Most disturbing bumper sticker I’ve seen in the past several years: “Enough with the science!” It was surrounded by a forest of pro-gun, pro-Trump, and anti-choice compatriots.

Really no villains here, just further proof that the racing business is the advertising business. That’s further complicated that there is no accurate way to asses the return on investment for advertisers who choose to sponsor race cars. It’s largely a passion/vanity/gut call.

Hopefully part of that care also involved taking away his drivers license. People with epilepsy that isn’t under full control should not be allowed to drive.

I was the happy owner of a 2005 Cayenne V-6, purchased new. After twelve wonderful years and 191,0oo miles, I passed it along to some friends as a wedding gift. It still soldiers on with them at ~225k miles.It is the most trouble-free automobile I have ever owned. Only problems experienced were a failed Carden shaft

...pretty common in rural Texas...

A pistol is not a machine gun. But guess its a nice scary story for bloggy mcblogface. It is however and automatic pistol.

Obligatory statement from the dealership: “We were shocked, shocked to find that illegal activity was taking place here. The employee in question has been terminated, and we can assure you that this will never happen again.”

...dealers will just have lease turn-ins at that price range that are better than the cheap new cars from 15 years ago.

Race engineer: OK, Maz, that’s the checquer. That’s the checquer. It’s a difficult race with all of the overdraughts. But the checques from your father continued to clear. A really good step from the last bank statement. Unfortunately with Pérez we did get a five second penalty, but you dad’s got the money to cover

That is a perfectly cromulent color.

Porsche is killing it with colors lately...

Yeah, I figured as much. The sentence construction brought to mind terrifying tools with names like the bung hammer, the unidirectional turd wrench, and an assortment of pee rivets in multiple sizes.

The closer you get to Miami or Tallahassee, the crazier it gets.

These events are held in areas that don’t have real restrooms...(s)o you’re left breaking out the manual tools.

I drive a Prius C.