Porschebago Redux, formerly Mini Mid-life Crisis

Mine will but you must:

See that beautiful BMW in green with a tan interior at the top of this article?

Many will blame Tesla for the crash, deaths, and subsequent fire.  Seems to me that the driver and the tree played starring roles.

...replace a bad track...

The best thing we can say about Nikita Mazepin is that he has the good fortune to not be Santino Ferrucci.

If they spent that kind of money on battery research, I might believe someone could come up with a replacement for my truck by 2030.

To assume that every gas powered vehicle currently on sale can be replaced with an adequate electric equivalent in 8.5 years time seems optimistic beyond reason.

No, I’m not a middle aged lesbian.

Do you realize its nearly impossible for someone with bad credit to save 20 percent for a vehicle?

The Simpsons itself IS a spinoff of the Tracey Ullman Show.

They ran to us, they had hoes...

I cannot for the life of me fathom why anyone would prefer air travel when you can get to your destination by train in even six hours or less.

I initially read that as ‘an OPEC prostate,’ and was impressed with the vivid imagery.

You drive it connected straight to a gas pump an OPEC petrostate.

“The Plague Scooters” would be an outstanding band name.

Step Four: get you shit together.

He had the wrong paperwork.

See that electric VW in the beautiful gold color in the photo up top? VW will not sell that color in the US. You can choose your ID.4 in white, black, grey, or silver, though.

...why wouldn’t they go to a CU or bank instead?

Nissan’s plan is literally to be the car of poor people.