904 GTS

Trust you do not mind if I insert a CORRECTION or two, do you?

Nissan accident and the consequences

Would not doubt it, with modern survey and build techniques...

Or, the Nogaro circle in the Italian south. But, both just flat as the other, though...

PLUS you can ABSOLUTELY BE SURE, given the litigation-happy lawyers and their clients, those American-suggested venues be __ NEVER ACCESSIBLE __virtually each afternoon into the early evening (if no major event is held) for just a TOLL fee, like the N-Ring either...

Flat as a pancake and miniscule elevation changes, so not good for real world road car tests. A good, very safe race car test rack though...

A go-cart track is CORRECT. When the RS6 Avant was introduced, a week before LM, a bunch of RS6s were sent to Le Mans for Audi guests to have a ride with Audi LM pilots ON THAT VERY GO-CART TRACK. It was trully unbelievable how well the RS6 behaved even on that track in capable hands. Dindo Capello driving, no less !!!

Road Atlanta as well ...

As it has been pointed out before, there are three possible ways to correct the current situation:

If you are willing to pay the TOLL, you can even bring a TOUR BUS full of turists to go around too.

Both of your assumptions are NOT CORRECT - The N-Ring is CLOSED ENTIRELY for the Winter time and, when open, Nürburg residents needing to go to Adenau, much rather drive there via the Nordschleife as it is faster. Remember, Sabine Schmitz’s father drove her to school EVERY MORNING (when open) via the N-Ring short cut

It’s classified as a public TOLL road, think for insurance purposes. It’s a CLOSED circuit, with only two entrances, atop of Nürburg and at the very bottom, in the village of Adenau, both closed for the night. The N-Ring is CLOSED ENTIRELY during snowy, Wintry months.

With SO MANY manufacturers having their Test Departments located at the N-Ring plus the NEW management relying on that very income, I see no reason to think of any drastic changes.

With the right equipment, my friend took the streem from 24 Heures du Mans and fed it to their HI DEF projection TV. It was MAGICAL !!! Try to figure out how to do it for next year!

Kind, thoughtful father you are. Your young one will NEVER forget. My daughter still talks about our 1999 trip to Le Mans EVERY mid June since then...

Sebring, a 12-hour race.

Why not to watch both . . . ;- )

All provided by Audi AG via your Audi dealer. Quite comfortable bed(s) for just some hours one uses the cubicle, actually.

Everyone gets a very proper Turkish bath robe, with Audi Sport sponsors embroidery too. Yours to keep, if you choose to lug it with you home. A nice momento, every time you step out of the shower for the rest of the year..., till you bring home the next year’s one, of course. ;- )

The Audi LM Race Hotel occupancy is by invitation only.