Could very well be as I am not versed in post processing. Most of my photos were done with a NikonF1 and Kodachrome 64 slide film. Ages me a bit, eh?
Could very well be as I am not versed in post processing. Most of my photos were done with a NikonF1 and Kodachrome 64 slide film. Ages me a bit, eh?
No word about an electric version as yet?
Why do you think Michelin would have included it if it was not...?
And that just seeing it. Wait till you drive it... ;- )
No mush - just grass out of focus of the depth of field of the camera lens setting.
Because they were no slicks in those days.
Chris is pretty respected driver, unlike some other automotive journalists who could hardly drive a stick. So, that one is easy. You let the man you admire and know, he’s not going to stuff it, let drive your car. Second, you’ll have a nice video of your car being driven properly, at the limit, most owners of nice…
Need to slow down in your presentation and learn about some names that made history. Instead of just saying, “a guy who made these...,” Ettore Bugatti would have been more polished, despite the patina on his incredible creations...
Because Aston, NOT - Because B&O. As high end Audi cars had the same B&O set up.
For James Bond, quite obviously. For the rest of us, let’s drive Porsche cars...
Perhaps you will understand when you get in the mid-life yourself.
since Hans Mezger asked Gordon Murray to send me one (no one else interested in McL F1 had received theirs as yet,) I took it immediately to show it to a friend working in El Sequndo. Little did I remember, it was his birthday that day. When his Secretary gently reminded me, I walked into his office and said, “HERE,…
When McL sent me that incredible about 80 page brochure, may have been the 1st in the US
Interesting effect sitting all by your self, passengers on eaither side, if any, are set back a bit, with that incredibly large Saint Gobian glass in front, when you get going, you field of vision narrow to better focus what’s coming at you next. The sensation is just EXTRAORDINARY!
McL F1 being a center seater, do not forget. You get in it the same way you mount a horse, ONLY from left. The reason, for the gorgeously executed shifter (Made in El Segundo, CA!) is in the way. That’s why . . .
The idea has been proven, of course. The execution of the dash and the console, not so much. As my dear mother would say, “Should have spent at least two more weeks on that one...”