
I used to have to do “Time at Temperature” thermal analyses on all sorts of underhood parts (rubber engine mounts were my nemeses). In short, we used Arrhenius plots—which characterize a material’s degradation rate at certain temperatures—to see if our newly designed fascias and cooling modules and exhaust packaging

Or seeing shitty political commentary on a car blog.

Fake news! I’ve been getting speeding tickets in manual-transmission cars for years now. YEARS.

It is more of a publicity stunt. That and research and development for their mainstream NIO models. In the article it says that they won’t be offering the autonomous tech in the production EP9, because people want to drive supercars.

Different editor, different policy. What is true is that most of the time—95 percent of the time, probably—we still do not abide embargoes. But I have made a few exceptions if someone gives us an exclusive scoop. If it’s something everyone else has, I see little value in it.

Huh. Never heard of that before, but it’s interesting. Not really sure why one would call that a forging but what do I know, I’m only an aerospace engineer.

What the hell is forged carbon fiber? That doesn’t make sense. Lamborghini is making stuff up.

Some crowd. Really packing them in, eh?

I took a similar oath:

I love Icon and the work Mr Ward does...


One man’s taunting is another man’s lubricating the cataracts.

Why is this showing on my feed on 12.20.2016????

So I was a former Fisker employee who was asked to interview for a position in Finance at Faraday a year or so ago with the promise of some fairly outrageous compensation at least for the position level. I took one meeting with them and decided they were full of as much shit as Fisker was, if not more so. But I

Serious question: Who gives a fuck about Wards list?

A few weeks ago I went to DC and street parked. About 45 minutes later the barricades and police showed up — they were clearing the street for the presidential motorcade. It was really cool to see it go by — something like 27 vehicles — and they made sure the street was entirely and completely devoid of traffic.