
I’ve been working from home since 2020 and the only difference is random people don’t come into the office to waste my time,

Or managers coming by to say, “Hey, quick question - I’m going to need you to make a program that allows us to reverse gravity but like, I need it next week. So if you can get on that...

If you’re alternating in-person work days, then you’ve negated the entire claimed point of in-person work days. If half the people you need to collaborate with face-to-face aren’t there, then it’s not real clear that any of you need to be there.

And downtown business associations, and coffee places, and bars, and lunch spots, and cleaning companies, and facilities companies, and trades companies, and catering companies, and......

It’s almost as if all this will be Hogwarts Legacy.

Haricot verts used to get me.

Modern gaming in a nutshell! 

Why is this a slideshow and not an article? More clicks? Come on, man...

There are a lot of people who are insecure and think anyone else’s different lifestyle is being done AT them and is a passive-aggressive judgment ABOUT them. So they lash out.  

I dunno, I kind of loved her “do I need this, is it useful for me, no?, kbye” approach to decluttering. We’ve been on a kick to reduce our stuff-age for the past few years, and I find getting rid of shit to be immensely satisfying. We still have some junk we haven’t touched in years (clothes, books), but every so

honestly, I’m more of a fan of Playnite using the PS5 (or Xbox Series) themes. Wish the people who made the GameOS skin for pegasus launcher would port it over to Playnite, but that’s likely just a dream.

GOG Galaxy kind of flakes on huge libraries as someone said though.

Gibson has been involved in 23 movies since his arrest.  Is that really being canceled?

Out of those three, I would agree that Weinstein was cancelled, in that “his freedom was cancelled due to being put in prison”. I checked the Imdb pages on your other two examples, and both of them had credits in media released in 2022, so I would hardly call that cancelled? Career affected maybe, I’m not familiar

So cancel culture is when your celebrity career stalls after turning a huge part of your audience off, or you go to prison for being a rapist. I mean, cool... but how has this not always been a thing?

Except George Santos.

That’s because they’re only worried about crime as committed by brown people.

#TVTOOHIGH is a thing - just not everyone is aware of it, lol. 

Hmm, I’ve seen better on the subject.

You would be ok with the hundreds of people working their asses off to make the game potentially lose their jobs because of something 1 bigoted woman said

The irony is that in the corporate world you are often simultaneously over AND understaffed. Special projects get an unreasonable amount of funding and headcount, while bread-and-butter teams are near skeleton-crews.