I think this is the wrong question. What is more applicable here is “how different is the general culture of mobile gamers to PC or console gamers?”
I think this is the wrong question. What is more applicable here is “how different is the general culture of mobile gamers to PC or console gamers?”
I’m not terribly bothered by the $70 price tag. I’ve never bought a game for $70 and it’s hard to imagine I ever will since I don’t have much interest in most AAA games. Generally they’re at least half price by the time I get around to them.
Pratt managed to disappoint everyone by doing his normal voice but then magically gaining an accent when Mario says “it’s-a me.”
the problem lies in the risk that they’re living with. FDIC doesn’t insure that much money. spread it out, dawg.
Some sites don’t allow the usage of the plus character in the email field. Just buy a domain name and add a wildcat alias to forward your email.
Typical NC state government. They would never do this to their beloved UNC-CH in which the rule was created in the first place. Fuck North Carolina.
Seems to me that the state legislature should give MORE money. Y’all don’t want us in your PWIs? Cool. Fund HBCUs!
I've never viewed him as anything other than one of my least favorite types; the guy who loves to argue and will take any position to keep the argument going.
My wife and I went to Vegas for our honeymoon instead of Disney World, nearly 15 years ago.
Let me at those penny slots yo. Then let’s hit up the 5 dollar breakfast buffet.
I often buy both versions but I am a game collector
Person A: The police aren’t bad, there are just a few bad apples.
Mm, I have some questions. So, there’s *TWO* chains named Giant. Both are now owned by Ahold Delhaize. One is Giant-Carlisle, which also owns Martin’s, and this is dominant in PA (except western PA, which is entirely Giant Eagle) and also has stores in western MD and western VA. But, I’d guess that the dominant chain…
Central Florida. Never seen one either. And until Aldi encroached Publix RULED (despite the prices).
NW FL here. I’ve never seen a Safeway. Up here it’s Publix all damn day. We just got an Aldi. Seafood and other speciality markets fill in the rest.
July 15, 1987: This agent has confirmed the S.P. has made firm plans to dance with somebody & further conspires to feel the heat from somebody.
I am pretty sure you shouldn’t be writing about this, because some poor white kids might read about it, and then they would feel bad.
I actually find none of this “shocking;” given the context of it being pretty much “illegal” to be Black AND successful or influential during the height of Franklin’s career. That COINTELPRO fuck shit had many tentacles...
Release all the files. Publicize everything. Expose the racism. No more excuses.
I love Mary after all these years. Good for her that she’s still out here styling and profiling.