
@Clstirens: Well, I didn't call YOU idiotic. I thought your argument was idiotic. I suppose I would have laughed if my sarcasm detector wasn't being replaced by AppleCare.

@Dan: Yes, because the price would be adjusted accordingly. Pushing down the MSRP insures faster initial adoption, and the WIi might not have had it at $349 instead of $299.

@Clstirens: How exactly are the other consoles cheaper than the Wii? None of them include games or additional controllers unless you spend more on a bundle. This is an idiotic argument; almost as stupid as buying a home computer entertainment console of any variety and bitching that you ALSO have to buy software.

@Protector one: People with more money than sense. Kinda like the people who bought it for themselves.

@Immolo: Oops. Well, substitute your own numbers, it doesn't change the percentages.

Also plasma cutter. It doesn't need to do anything, except be proportioned for adult hands, and be able to flip between horizontal/vertical. If they wanted to put some green laser pointer action in there for effect, I'd be down.

@ZaxxonQ.com: No, they're not. He admits that lots of gay men play games, but they're not nearly a sizable portion of the market. If we look at the exit polls conducted by CNN at the last election, 4% of voters identify as homosexual. Let's go ahead and take that number and assume that of the ~70% of America that

@jacobuj: He cares enough to respond. But hey, spend millions of dollars to squeeze out a 3D turd that's nothing more than a "white-people-are-bad" movie with blue chicks, and then maybe you'll feel like defending yourself against people who you shouldn't care about.

@Adonai2: "Hey, hey, look at me! This movie is like videogames that are like my movie! I'm still cool! Let's forget about that movie I made that your wife/sister/girlfriend dragged you to see sixteen times. I can be snarky and whiny, too! See, I'm still cool!"

@Madge Gristle: "Everybody let's take off our fancy pants tonight "

@Koztah: Windows /= NXE, just like MS Mouse /= Xbox 360. Can we stop retreading that, please?

@Koztah: Comparison criteria:

@Koztah: Fair enough, but my point still stands, in the Console Gaming industry, they have the best software NXE vs XMB? Live VS PSN? and the most failure prone hardware. If the entire Vista team transitioned to Natal, it's going to be shit, though.

@Koztah: The Gaming industry. You realize different teams work on the 360 software and windows, right? Besides, they're pretty much the champion of the PC software arena as well. 8 out of 10 computers on the planet run MS software. That's better than the Wii's marketshare in the gaming industry.

@lestat730: Remember a story about a poor man who killed his landlady with an axe and hid her under the floorboards because he didn't want to pay his rent?

@Clive Bavels: I think they may be talking about "nonstandard entry" as it were, if one were to step right in without preparing the doorway first.

Trust the opinion of someone who can suck his own dick.

@Mikeware: How did you get so far from your bridge?

@Deez: You won't be getting any reverse compatibility. The Wii didn't map motions to button presses, and the Natal and Sixence solutions won't either. You'd need changes on the game software end to implement it, and it's hardly likely that a team is going to go back on software and release natal driver packs as