
So when is this coming to Netflix - Watch Instantly?

This is next to useless until you can remap the buttons on the Wiimote. Try playing Super Mario World with the B button on the underside of the controller.

It's everything you hate about the iPad, minus the sub-$500 price tag!

@pricklyplatypus: No, you're not giving them any credit at all. Having had Backgrounder on my iPhone 3gs, as well as a substantial amount of face time with iOS4 dev builds, the background implementation in iOS is completely different than Backgrounder, and significantly better on battery life and performance. Apple

@florida.stevo: They used to, and I think Apple learned a lesson there. Making it harder for people to free themselves from Apple Customer Support ("Sorry, we won't help you with a jailbroken phone") while still selling hardware to those people is a losing proposition.

@DouglasJayFalcon: No. You won't even need your old phone to switch numbers and plan info to the new activation. The new phone will have a SIM card, and all the account swap will happen via Apple's POS device and the iTunes/AT&T activation servers.

@JoshUng: When you say "Apple Hipsters," are you including the majority of the customers at an Apple store? That is to say, little old ladies, rich middle aged men, soccer moms, and young families?

@DJKGinHD: I really need to stop coming to the gawker sites. It's full of this sensationalist bullshit, just to get pagehits and pit the fanboys against the haters. This "test" isn't any more a test than me, claiming I can frame a house using an Evo as a hammer and it won't break the Evo, but will actually make it

You're such a troll, diaz.

@Realityism: Is it part of the standard to remove all the guts, too?

@Terabiter: And that phone has it's internals.

@DJKGinHD: This. The lack of internals reduces structural rigidity. Why the fuck would they take the internals out?

I can't respect the opinion of anyone who would call starting a family "the greatest environmental crime an individual can perpetrate."

@R.b.3: You probably also want to be able to sync 64GB of data over wifi.

I read Gizmodo for the AppleHate comments.

@PhineasJW: [Facts left . . . somewhere else?]

@Brdf: If foxcon employees are committing suicide because of working conditions, someone should really fix working conditions in THIS country, because our rate is higher. Can people please shut the fuck up about the foxcon suicides? Life is suffering, some folks check out early. In the lushest countries in the

@F00fybunny: +1 (whatever the fuck that means)