
@orijimi: Flaming monkeys could also fly out of my butt.

@Gavin Baker: The problem isn't that comments aren't pulled, they just expire if they're not promoted, IIRC. #iphone

@Dearhaw: Hmm, that's why those mobile websites I visit don't really exist, because no one is designing "the internet" for the iPhone. . .

Let's face it Steve Ballmer was designed for shouting during keynote speeches to the core crowd. Steve Ballmer is not designed for speaking to the press. That's why we've got 75,000 idiotic quotes - they're all failing to make Steve Ballmer look decent speaking to the press. #iphone


@captain zach america: Lair was just poorly executed all around. The motion controls were hardly responsive enough to register intended motions, let alone false positives, as Gray calls them. #darkvoid

I think we need more WWII games that aren't RTS or FPS. I mean, it's a significant watershed moment for the history of man. It showed the world that we were capable of banding together to overcome a bigoted tyrant, set on world domination. Just because we're tired of looking down an M1-Garand plunking nazis from

@Rachel Fogg: BruLeg sounds like an injury you get from falling down drunk.

@Komrade Kayce: People who are upset to find surprises in their pies should read reviews. Looking at and reading the box for Demon's Souls would lead one to believe it's just a hack-n-slash RPG.

Ok, Bash, I'll download it. I hope the GF doesn't get all pissy about a mostly naked witch on my PS3.

@Maximus Thunderclap: Also, the Zombies in Dead Rising come from genetically engineered hornets created to mas produce cows.

@Trey: "Bungie" is making new games that aren't Halo. The minds responsible for Halo no longer work for bungie, they're starting a new studio called Moonshot, which is why halo hasn't changed all that much: the brain trust is broken up.

@Masenura: In all fairness, Halo was the first console shooter to do it right. The story was sparse enough to not weight down the action, but interesting enough to drive you through the campaign. And jesus, where would co-op be without it? Don't get me wrong, the story started to burn out in Halo II, and was

Yeah! I'm sure it's going to be even better than the first Halo because all the original guys from Bungie totally didn't jump ship when MS bought them out.