
Tamales are kinda weird, like empanadas. It’s not labor-intensive to assemble a tamale. Take a corn husk, scoop some masa, add filling, roll. Once you get a rhythm, it takes like a minute or less for each one.

The thing is that the prep work is geared towards an economy of scale. Making twice as many tamales doesn’t

I bought those Hormel tamales once.  That will not happen again.

The only reason this is biting her is because how this dealership operates. As noted in the source article, one of the male employees was on that very same site. All he got was teased. Another male employee also groped another female employee, no mention of a reprimand for him.

The only confederate flag that matters:

A tricorn and nitrile gloves. The PPE of a patriot. 

When this greatElectric Boogaloo starts, I envision an bunch of fat pasty white guys in bright Hawaiian shirts (and weird hats), running away from angry hood niggas who have be training for guerilla warfare all their lives.

There's a normal sentence for a normal country. 

According to Wikipedia, there are an estimated 75 million gun owners in the USA. There are, fuck it let’s round up, 34 million registered Republicans. At best there are 5.5 million NRA members and I would be willing to bet that there are nearing ZERO Democrats in the NRA. So, let’s just go ahead and assume that every

So uh, these guys realize that the Civil War was about the south succeeding from the union meaning they would be fighting against their lord and savior Dickweed McCunt... right? I can’t.

Good. Let’s have another Civil War and get it over and done with.

A single space is correct. Double-spacing is an artifact of typesetting conventions that no longer exist:

That’s no moon...

Lol, nerd.

> Fremen culture is a mix of Zen and Sunni Islam

As a non-white fan of the series (the books), I’ll see your wokeness and raise you a “cue white liberals wanting to change art to better reflect their full-time obsession with political correctness.” You act like you speak for all non-whites, which of course no one does; or worse, that only white people would consider

Stellan Skarsgård is some inspired casting for Baron Harkonnen.