Pork Bun

Exactly. Even without the sexuality portion of this coming into it I’m failing to see how this is any different than other stupid things that were masterfully marketed like, say...

In six months, that would be:

Other famous Austrian painters include...

this attacker is apparently “known to the police for orchestrating similar incidents in the past.”

I don’t want to seem insensitive, but I had coworkers who were Muslims and the idea was you have to go about your normal routine while fasting, and that sometimes includes seeing other people eat, otherwise that would defeat the whole idea of fasting.

However, it is kind of rubbing their faces in it when you’re eating right in front of them and they’re very hungry.

I’m impressed that you wrote out this long weird flex about listening lots of music but are still stuck in the teenager trap of patting yourself on the back way too hard for not liking popular music.

I prefer to just look at my own navel, rather than read someone's description of theirs.

TL;DR Old guy spends an hour proving the cardinal rule of rock music: whatever you liked when you were a teenager will imprint and you will never again care about any music the way you did then. This is almost as bad as Leitch’s Jamboroo/Funbag fill-in when he asked “Is there good rock music now?” and then googled

It’s times like this when I really savor being so old I am no longer required to give a shit about music.

That is a pile of virtue signalling rubbish. You don’t “speak as a white guy” no one elected you as a voice for others. You speak for yourself alone and it seems you want people to like you.

Never do that identity political crap, you represent yourself and no one else.

Yeah, good players should really respect their less skilled opponents and offer them an easier match.

Today on “How do we read Life in Aggro” this week?

Influencers are a vital component of modern-day marketing and no product can survive without having a good influencer marketing strategy.

>> Like imagine if it came out that somebody like Barney the Dinosaur or Bigbird was abusing kids on the set of their TV show back in the 80's or 90's.

The majority of gamers just buy games and play them without spending time interacting in the “community.” 

These two ladies are pretty well known gravure models (sexy photos/videos and clothes) who are also pretty big gaming faces in Japan as well. Showing up to many many events throughout the years. Their shtick (and many other ladies in this industry) is doing exactly what they did, bouncing around, poking each other and

I’m I the only one that heard that in their head with overly comical vocal fry?