Pork Bun

That’s their other game

ATTN Save Scummers:

After thirty-two years on "classic" controls, I’m going out like Charlton Heston.

whiny nitpicking...

The collective of people who use the internet is often referred to as The Internet, put the pipe and monocle away and stop pretending to be intellectual.

🎵 But I’m out of my mind when you’re not around 🎵

No, you’re out of time


Yeah, I remember grabbing it for free off PSN thinking “is the single-player REALLY as good as they say?”, and not really seeing it for the first couple of missions. Then you get to the stage with THAT device, and all the fun gimmicks in the levels after, and....yeah, Titanfall 2 has one of the greatest 1P FPS

It was in my wallet, somewhere in this area:

Point on the doll where the space marine hurt you..

Yah he's great and all. Kinda seemed a lil tipsy maybe 🤔. It's really whatever. Award ceremonies are pointless and a snore. It takes so many damn people to really make a game. But yah your lying to yourself if you "enjoyed" his speech lol. 😴

People liked his overlong, self-indulgent speech? Yikes.

Too damn long, I don't want to know his whole life. 

I’ve loved him since his Stargate days, but as he kept talking I was saying to myself, “C’mon Chris, you’re making Al Pacino stand there too long!”

What’s Fire Fit? Is it like dripless? Sorry I’m 49 and Canadian. Sorry.