
according to the story admitting your a dumbass isn't good enough

so this would be better linked on gawker or alpha foxtrot

trails? Traffic? Kinda easy when you don't know where you are exactly and can't turn around.

immigration isn't what he's referring to you twit

ok goofball. Let's com pair a 4seater to a 2? You work for Honda?

break em. Take em in and get a new one. Over and over and over again

would you like some peanut butter to go with all that jelly , broman?

you haven't been tasked or mace/teargassed before have you?

i wonder if the caretaker will include cotton in the crop rotation.

nah ,I got a brown diesel.

thanks for furthering the stereotype that Audi drivers are nothing but douches.

nope. Your in your little boat. Float'n in in denial

Please Dont use the acronym GMO when you dont even know what classifies as one. (Cross pollinated crops are considered GMO BTW.)

denial. Not just a river in Egypt.

"The Bandit is a victim of the same phenomenon that plagues so many cheap vehicles with big outputs... they tend to be favored by operators with poor manners (dicks)."

nope. That's a part of every gun training course. From youth hunter safety to defensive shooting courses. Dont flag, keep your finger off the trigger, and look behind what your shooting at so you dont accidenly shoot someone or ssomething else.

Pewdiepie is your favorite youtube channel isnt it?

hypothetical my ass. I worked in food and retail. In food you CANNOT bring your food in to the buissnes due to liability. So if you wanted something healthy you had to leave the premises. So I had to jog/run to get food, which I stopped doing because I didn't feel like doing that day in and out. With retail the

Well if America stopped the "your job is your god" work ethic it might also help.

dpnt the Holdens that the as is based off of come with a manual option? IMHO its more factory tooling than anything else.