
Ran as in more than around the block. And they Dont have to be all original. Museum s use replicas all the time for their exhibits.let alone mallet cars are conversion s anyway. The conversion would just have happened on the car in question after 20,000 miles.

id you want the best you get a British chassis. And an American engine.

damnit now I need to change my pants... and my socks... and buy new shoes.

nope. Five people. And counting

saftey is the ability to avoid accidents. Be safe. Be Miata.

Shame it is. If they're gonna make them its going to have to be done via conversions. But if its never going to get ran who cares if its the original or not?

amen. Its popular thanks to rewiew groups that use Tue sane criteria for everything they review. You shouldn't review a car the same way you review a toaster, or a TV for that matter. And consumer reports does just that." Oh the car is quiet, that's a plus, it has seating for 5, gasilage is above mid 20s and an oil

rental fleets...

Going to blame the sound on the storm drain sized exhaust. There is absolutely nothing there to act as a resonator.

are still shit holes? :3

amen. After buying Asus and gigabyte boards i can say they're good. And the there are some that are bad. MSI boards left me wantimg when a budget was sub 500. But asrock, on the other hand is awesome in the budget segment. Something those other 3 seem To have problems doing.

Nice. I wanna make time to see the airshow over there sometime

hats off to you, if you can keep up.

And being within 30 Miles of the smokey hill ang range. Its more often than not you can watch their approaches to drop. Or hear/feel their departure.

Then you own ones and zeroes that have no value

i could. But you still could not comprehend it with your limited intellect

do you own any digital music? Did you pay for it?

um no. You knew of the bug. You used it knowingly. Expect reprocussions.

So speedruns are out if the question?