Say what you want about Draymond but at least his shaft didn’t hurt anyone.
Say what you want about Draymond but at least his shaft didn’t hurt anyone.
If that’s not a teenage fuck palace, I don’t know what is...
potg is one of the worst things ive seen in video games and mind you its such a waste of time waiting for it to load and show up only to see the player died and made postmortem kills. their justification only makes sense to dr steve brule
Probably no more than the Renegade already has on.
OI! Wuts rong wit me akcent luv?
How dare you call yourself a Mei player and not us a-mei-zing instead of amazing.
Bout the same as that buttery smooth 60fps is treating you on consoles...
Just buy a fucking PC already.
two american kids killing toddlers in the heartland
Little Ditty with Jo and dying.
DARPA’s VTOL X-plane initiative takes a cocktail of totally innovative technologies and puts them together in one…
haha it’s a ridgeline....
“I killed a CarMax employee and they STILL honored my warranty.”
Germany’s rollover safety testing is a joke.
*checks gut*
Most surprising part of the headline.