My 2011 M3 just turned over 91k miles. The only maintenance it’s needed in the last 15k miles is front brakes, an oil change, and... new clutch packs for the DCT. That was covered under warranty, though.
My 2011 M3 just turned over 91k miles. The only maintenance it’s needed in the last 15k miles is front brakes, an oil change, and... new clutch packs for the DCT. That was covered under warranty, though.
OK but can we talk about how ugly all the techno-warts on its face are? The awkward radome right in the center of the lower grill, the weird cut-out that looks like a fire alarm right under the gratuitous“M5" emblem, the glossy black between the kidneys that looks like a piece of pepper stuck in your front teeth? I…
I agree that the torque converter just makes more sense for how the M5 is expected to be used. The DCT in the E90 M3 is awesome at high revs but clunky, awkward, and generally uncomfortable in stop and go traffic. And that’s in a 3800lb car!
I cannot think of a single man on earth more passionate about Jeeps. FCA lost a real asset when you left, and Jalopnik struck gold.
I bought an E90 M3 about a year and a half ago. The four door looks way better than the coupe. It’s just a fact.
Now THIS is the true Jalop spirit. The name of the place isn’t “Nice Car Blog”, it’s Jalopnik! David, I admire your dedication to unloved, unwanted jalopies and giving them new life. I also admire your choice to help people who don’t have your talents. Keep on doing you!
The race drivers didn’t struggle because they know how to get into a caged car: feet first. It works on every car with high door sills. Look at how he climbs in:
Right car for the right job, I say. Buy the $5000 truck and then get a C-class too! Then you won’t hesitate to put dings and scratches in the truck, and that’s a big piece of effective off-road driving.
Or you could buy a used Chevy pickup for about $5000 that only needs a new set of tires to go all the same places as this >$40k Toyota...
This one is tough.
How does it compare to a Prius C? My girlfriend owns one and I’ve driven it quite a bit. The Prius C is slow and noisy, but the handling is acceptable and it’s very easy to drive in city traffic. It’s also absurdly cheap to run and maintain - it gets 55mpg without trying, oil changes are $50 at the dealer, and the…
I think it would actually take even longer than that, since batteries don’t charge 100% efficiently. I’m not sure 1000W would even be enough for most electric cars to begin accepting a charge! That’s only about 8W, and most household outlets can provide at least 15W. But I’ll be curious to hear more details.
Stamping his own hoods won’t make that backlog of work any shorter. Why spend time and money on a zero-margin item before you’ve run out of other options?
When will you guys stop using that dumb render as your lead image on every Bronco story?! If the designers themselves say it won’t look like that, that means it’s time to stop and just use a photo of an Everest!
I had basically the exact same budget almost a year ago and bought an E90 M3 with the dual-clutch transmission from CarMax (with warranty!). The warranty cost about $4k, so be ready for that.
If they use the base 2.0l turbo from the 320, I’d expect to be disappointed. I’ve got a 2016 320xi as a loaner while my M3 is throwing engine codes, and the engine is completely anemic and underwhelming. It makes my Miata look fast. In fact, the Miata has a significantly better power/weight ratio than the 320xi.
Predatory lending is awful. At some point in that trade-in/buy process, someone - the bank, the dealer, the loan underwriters - should have said no because he couldn’t afford that Tundra.
C’mon, it’s simple. If it ends in “-V”, it is a hoon-mobile. If it doesn’t, ignore it.