Suck That Pussy Like The Dracula

I know. That was my point all along. She can't just assume her son is gay if he hasn't said so.


I think Michael Sam's story is important and I'm happy people are chronicling it, but some of the mainstream reporting is a little sensationalized. It's tough to make it onto an NFL roster and as far as I can tell the Rams are treating him like any other player trying to make a roster.

It's 'unfortunate' you view him based on his sexuality. To me he's just another player.

Boy, it's going to be a busy night for Gawker since there's about 160 individual articles to write about every player that was cut today.

He will for sure get picked up by some other team, due to his appeal, but hey, he went out there and competed, just like everybody else. I just wonder how long before people in the media start to shame the Rams for cutting him, and people throwing homophobia accusations out there.

Why exactly is it "unfortunate?" One paragraph later, you said the position was too deep and an undrafted free agent outplayed him. Are you suggesting that they were supposed to keep him anyway?

Asking a pretty logically sound question is trolling?

Hooooooly crap calm the hell down. Guy's asking a legitimate question. If he hasn't said he's gay, it'd be hard for someone else to know for sure. You're being unbelievably hostile and nasty here.

Go away.

But how did you figure it out? What gave it away? You're right, I'm not a parent, so I'm very curious. How are you certain you're not just imposing a sexual orientation on him?

...What? I was only asking how you know your son is gay when he has never told you that. That's all.

So wait... you don't actually know if he's gay. He has never told you and I assume you've never asked. Oh, then this was all just a big misunderstanding. Nah, your son's straight. :)

Talk about watering down his self-identity as LGBT....

I just looked it up- students can wear t shirts with religious expressions unless they are considered "vulgar." The word "hell" may qualify that particular t shirt as vulgar, so it is not likely to be allowed.

Obviously his parents are assholes, but the kid certainly does not seem to fall far from the tree. His parents kicked him out for being gay- as well as for badmouthing their religion, calling his dad racist, talking shit about his parents on facebook, and declaring that they don't love him. If he had merely come out

Until you hear "I am a pedophile".

You sign up for this kind of site, you get what you deserve.