Pops Freshenmeyer

"Technology salesman."

2 + 2 = 5, Winston.

Like being invaded by an aggressive horde of crawdads.

… Wafflicious?

A.V. Club, why the hell are we posting so much about Reddit?

In my day, more movie trailers offered to 'blow you away,' and they meant it figuratively!

Mind you, having come from Brooklyn and recently moved to a small town in VT, Portland had the power to impress by comparison.

Oh yeah. That's my kind of wordplay. Good stuff, Whovian, good stuff.

I will reserve my excitement until I hear from the Prime Minister of Planet X.

Mongo only pawn in game of life.

What can I say? I'm a sucker for the catchy theme song.

To be frank, I'm not keen about much.

"They used time and resources to admonish an automated video embed"

I mean, he is an evil real estate developer.

I know! Seriously! I can't imagine what sort of time I'd need on my hands to be pissed off all the time!

Now that you said it, I can't not think of him that way.

I didn't even think about them as 'listicles' until you compared it to Cracked and Buzzfeed. Great point.

"Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" is pretty apolitical. Why not give that one a view this holiday season?

Ohhh, this joke didn't have a happy ending…

Tell them voting is the reason why we had two terms of Barack Obama, AND it's the reason why we hear all those damn whining millennials. If they never voted, they'd never hear all that whining!