Pops Freshenmeyer

Legend has it they built this supermax prison on an ancient rapist burial ground!

Election results?

The blue-haired lawyer saying “dinner dog” is etched on my brain.

Someone you know, maybe even someone you love, may be secretly struggling with being Italian. Think before you speak hate. 

That tweet is the most this dude has written since primary school.

Yeah, I hear that. It’s why I don’t bring it up with this guy--it’s his choice and he’s clearly happy with it, so I’m happy for him. I just kvetch about it anonymously online. Everybody’s a winner.


Sidney Lumet films instead.

I remember all that except the “okay film” part. I thought It was complete and utter shit”

“As far back as I can remember, I wanted to be a clown...” This movie writes itself!

FWIW, the incels and the MRAs have made this movie their totem and saviour against “woke media”. They might not be rioting, but if they do, it will be while quoting Joker lines.

That is a deeeeep cut. Nicely done.

How come no one’s suggested Greg Kihn?

Do NOT try Sonic’s new Sour Patch Kids Float. It’s gross!

Sexual crimes shouldn’t have a statute of limitations.

My man Tom Hamilton looks like Melissa Etheridge drowned in a quarry. 

I think you meant REM.

The song Eat the Rich is good and from ‘93, but that’s about it.

“Hi Beatriz! I’m a post-apocalyptic amnesiac milkman!”

You don’t even want to know what shenanigans Navie Hammer got up to in international waters