Pops Freshenmeyer

Kurt Vonnegut: There’s only one rule that I know of, babies: godammit, you’ve got to be Richard Kind.”

It wasn’t that great honestly

I hope they clean the chairs throughly.

“If Leah Remini doesn’t like it, tell her to wait 10 minutes and try to sell her pathetic story for another interview to make her feel better.”

Coincidentally, Judge Dredd graduated second in his class as well!

Jennifer Connelly’s character was referenced in the first movie?
Is she playing older than her actual age or is this an Indiana Jones thing where 24 year old Maverick was macking on a 15 year old Admiral’s daughter?

I always thought that Cruise would be perfect as a Cyclops from X-Men.

Dollars to donuts that they make the current tiers the ad-supported ones and charge more to remove ads.

Huh, the premise of your argument is that the casting department didn’t know Frank Langella was an octogenarian...

That video convinced me that Dana Snyder’s voice for Master Shake is really a David Lynch impersonation in disguise.

It’s just not true that “we live in a sick, cruel, and discriminatory society, where personal freedom really only matters if it’s illogically thrown around as a bad-faith talking point.” It’s just energy-sapping and bleak, and treats Fox News as if it was an accurate stand-in for society. It’s particular nonsense when

No wonder she punches through dimensions to get away from them.

The Caddyshack theme rocks harder, and it’s also really wimpy.

The reason? In one scene, it’s revealed that Xochitl’s character, America Chavez, is the child of two women.

Been a long time, Pops. Your comments on the New York Jets are missed.

So Will wasn't Arcade Fired?

Personally, I can’t wait until scrotes like you realize they don’t have to comment on every thread of something they don’t like.

Apocalypse is nowhere near as good as it could have been, but I do think it gets unfairly shit on. It’s still nowhere near as bad as Last Stand or Origins, much less utter dreck like Catwoman or Elektra.

Well, the “closed off when you’re trying to leave” part is the problem.

Nobody’s concerned with Scientology being closed-off.