Pops Freshenmeyer

That explains it - nobody’s going to look unkindly on an evening which included fondue.

Once, in a town near a great river, there lived a frank miller. He operated the local sawmill, and while people appreciated his fair prices, many of them became exhausted by constantly hearing his unvarnished opinions. In particular, his neighbor Muhammad...

It’s one of the greatest cheesefests ever made. It’s so over the top, it uses Kenny Loggins “Danger Zone” three times. It’s so melodramatic, it uses Berlin’s “Take My Breath Away” four times.

Flight suits have LOTs of pouches 

Tom Cruise is going to wear so many pouches in this movie.

The good thing about being a Gen Xer is my total student loan debt was $3500.

You’’ll have a gay old time!

He’s a story parents tell their children to make them behave or follow common-sense rules that are otherwise difficult to explain to a child.

Bigotman and the Legion of Q will certainly spawn a series of sequels that will pay off all of the state’s debts.

It kind of looks like a 21st century Roger Rabbit, but way more smug about it.

My instinctive reaction to Here’s everything you need to know about the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard defamation trial” was “nothing.” I don’t need to know a single thing about this shitshow.

Fuck him hard, fuck him deep. Fuck him, and when you get done doing that, do it again.

This ^. It’s all bluster. Can you imagine the damage Disney could do to the state/DeSantis should he attempt this nonsense? There are three American institutions I never want to fuck with: the FBI, the IRS and the Disney. 

Does every article about Wilco have to mention the dad rock thing? It wasn’t dad rock when it came out. (Neither was any Pavement album, for that matter.) Don’t discourage people from checking out great music from the past by implying only lame dads listen to it.

This was the greatest night in the history of television, if not history itself.

Can we also finally admit that Kate McKinnon, although very talented, might be a tad overrated versus a criminally underrated and far more versatile Cecily Strong? Kate’s Fauci and Giuliani impressions sound exactly alike, with neither sounding anything remotely like the men she’s supposedly imitating. And on that

I’ll give Lizzo this: as much as she corpses mid-sketch (which, while reprehensible in a cast member, is pretty adorable in a guest), she can recover from it like an absolute champ.

Ben Affleck looks particularly embarrassed.

lol fair.

I’ve used the “this one has spirit, some day he will be VP” about my toddler many times.