Pops Freshenmeyer

FUN FACT: Full title was “The Closer I Get to My Cheeks, The Better the Whiff.”

Please stop making fun of The Who like that. 

Just so you know, word count is not the same thing as IQ. 

I got a cancellation for this?!

“You tell me wherethtriggherish, and then, you have my permission to get me a tissue.”

John Turturro in “Severance.”

Hot dang, that scene, and that dance. 

Stand-up comedians in general talk about how much they suck at relationships, and that shit gives them opportunities ranging from traveling town to town, to having a podcast, to sometimes being offered a TV show.

So it’s shorter? 

One is a woman?

Bless that show for introducing me to “The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer.”

Tough to tell from a trailer, but there seems to be some kind of an effort here to make sure the scenes and jokes actually land in a way that they haven’t in a long time, so I’ll temper my expectations and enthusiasm. But this trailer at least looks fun enough to send back in time to a young Not-Quite-Yet-A-Pops

Sounds like you haven’t seen “Deep Water” yet!

♫ Would you like some making bucks / produuuuu-cer!!!! ♪

... He’s still the cute one, right?

I personally always found a rather unusual connection between RadioShack and horniness.

Put this one on AVC merch.

How funny would it be if Sony re-released “Morbius” a third time thanks to #Gentlemorbs?

What about the character design haters yet? Has he heard enough from me?