Pop Rivets

Wow. Ironically it was Miller Time, but after seeing that photo; it has aggressively stopped being Miller Time.

I did actually come down the stairs one day to find that Dawn had turned, literally into a swan. Unfortunately, she then uncharacteristically shat all over the carpet, and the other flat-mates and I had to chase her out the door towards the Monongahela River, where she still lives to this day.

Okay, first thing: loose the name. Dawn makes people think of dish-soap, or nice girls from their sophomore dormitories who used a lot of dish-soap.

I would not let Chuck Palahnuik redesign my bathroom. That's a personal judgement call, made purely from an emotional standpoint; but still I stand by it.

North London?

The solution to all of this is to fuck over the entire system and just wait for the DVD to turn up at the public library.

Let me know if A24 does this. Oh wait, all their stuff is already on Prime.

Oh boy! An easier way to not watch John Carter!

Lord, bring us all into your grey space and deliver us from comprehension!

Cue Xanderpuss…

Is that why you started coating yourself in Cheeto crumbs following the last article?

You're lucky we didn't start re-arming the IRA over Ray Winstone's accent. Or, subsequently Cumberbatch's.

But enough about this website after Kinja comes in…

I'm still pissed off at that cockey pig at the security queue at Heathrow pulling me aside for no goddamn reason, other than what I assume was some sort of profiling. Either that or the Home Office knew that I had gone on the Sinn Fein walking tour of Dublin the day before.

Maybe, and this is just a thought, perhaps the North Korean government has a comment system that we can use instead of Kinja?

*tries to brainstorm ways of incorporating Cheetos into the lyrics of The Foggy Dew*

That's the reason why my ancestors had to flee Ireland in the first place!

Speaking of flaccid and ineffective: Kinja.

But can they reply to other comments? If so, tell me more…

Ported to Kinja, the bastards!