Pop Rivets

Mmmatt Berrrreyyyahhhh

Defeats the purpose of watching all those pirated BBC comedies.

So am I, but I think we've all learned a valuable lesson about making assumptions about Joe Manganiello's pass-times.

I always thought he'd be more into vintage DOS text adventure games. Why do you think he's into manga?

"Here at Three Square Market we start every day by asking ourselves 'am I being as dystopian as I can be?'"

My card doesn't have a chip. Can I swipe instead?

To be fair, they are cooler than us and better-looking.

[Simpsons reference]

Great Job, Old British Man!

A very credible attempt at emulating heterosexuality! Well done.

Now THAT'S a movie I'd watch!


Broadcasting corporations are people, my friend. Also 47% of viewers are nothing but a drain on the Nielsen Ratings.

This Fall on the Mitt Romney of Network Television Broadcasters!

Clowns, like rats, and other rodents, can compress their rib-cages allowing them to squeeze into unnaturally tight spaces.

No, but then again, I'm Jewish. But then again, my father is Catholic. But then again, my father looks like Santa Claus. But then again, I have a good relationship with my father. What was the question?

It's clown-themed; not Santa Claus-themed.

[insert inexplicably popular, obscure Simpsons reference here]

Outlook really needs to fuck off an die a quick, undignified death.

Sounds like a worthwhile cause, but why the header image of the guitarist from Steely Dan?