
If I ever get a chance to be a secret liberal agent infiltrating powerful conservative circles, I'll lie about reading Ayn Rand to get in. How hard can it be? "Hey, man, didn't you love Galt's epic speech at the end? He dropped major truth bombs." And so forth.

A space opera of Titus Andronicus? Now I'm picturing Trump as BoJack.

As much as this Oscar scandal is fun, I feel it's in direct head space competition among the hoi polloi with the far more serious and getting graver Trump-Russia scandal. I hope Americans can pay attention to both.

Um, yes I do.

About the same as not being an agent of karma, actually. But I'll try to be less dry in future jokes.

No problem! I was counting on the fact that no one in their right mind would believe that almost 70,000 women would conspire to pretend to be sexually harassed. That person, I think, would properly belong in a mental institution.

I was parodying the usual comments about sexual crimes about male perpetrators being innocent before being proven guilty, which can be a form of misogyny if you think women lie about that and often. In this case, it would be ridiculous if 69,000 women or a fraction of them decided to lie about being victimized.

69,000 cases of alleged sexual harassment. Thousands and thousands of innocent before being proven guilty.

Agreed, but capitalism and being a decent human being are somewhat in tension.

Isn't the title just a copyright infringement of Prof. Hubert Farnsworth's "I don't want to live on this planet anymore"?

I didn't see the debate. But any messaging, I would hope, would be simple and simply state that the Republicans don't have the interests of Americans at heart. Instead of "compromise" or accepting that the GOP is a normal political party that has the same goals, but is wrong about how to get there, I think the Dems

Meanwhile, a 70 year old Australian children's book author was detained for over two hours at LAX, claiming that she was treated to hostile behavior and insults that made her feel like she had been "physically assaulted." She feels like she may never return to the U.S.

Reportedly, the Owen Wilson embassy movie had to change it's name from The Coup because of American test screenings. I don't know how true that is, since every American at least by now should know what a "coup" is.

His Trump's America will be stock video of kids playing in verdant fields with puppies.

I want to make a "See—not all Indians are smart enough to be doctors" joke. I don't think D'souza is smart enough to run a 7-Eleven. This has been: your hacky ethnic stereotype comedy in the morning.

So who would have thought that Ryan Murphy would be the cultural repository of all of America's past and present sins? Not I.

That conservative drawing of the Rockwell civil rights painting with Betsy DeVos taking the place of the black girl, is amazing.

Well, well, well, aren't you a fan of something.

Stupid Nazi kids today with that rock-and-roll swill. In my day, Nazis listened to classical music after committing their atrocities. Get off my Garten!