
The reporter's last name is Merica? Apt!

How terribly exciting that a movie about a superhero we haven't seen too much of is being made.

This is a plot-driven show that is doing a very slow-burn, when good slow-burn shows are about characters. It's getting annoying.

Why then does De Niro hate Trump again? They both believe real news to be fake.

He looks like Daniel Handler, aka Lemony Snicket. Jeff Sessions will have a lot of work prosecuting these guys.

I thought they would be dragons. Now I'm disappointed. Was there a legitimate reason for this film or does it transparently look like a vehicle for Chinese studios to make a big intro into the Western movie market?

Sarah Palin is now going to be your new National Security Advisor! Bears will now be a national threat.

As long as we're getting rid of conspiracy nuts in the WH, how about the other guy who is a big Alex Jones fan? Oh wait he's the president. Not so easy to fire him or make him resign.

The jokes weren't "ultimately offensive"; they were apparently offensive.

I disagree. It was concisely and elegantly put together: about the variables, the problem, the scope of the problem, it's relation to the people in a negative feedback loop, and what to do about it. You can ask your conservative friend to watch it if he's not totally in the bag. Plus buying commercials to educate him

Whatever grand mythology planned, they're going at a leisurely pace, confident that they'll get enough seasons to get to it. This is fine. Good job describing the pressures each character faces in this shitty new world. I didn't buy Bram thinking about a girl when in a labor camp, though I suppose he could be grateful

Republicans, modern ones, have always increased the size of government because a truly conservative government would cut down on programs people like and depend on to survive, and people would not vote for that party. Actually,no, even Lincoln created a strong, big government, like the Homestead Act and funding

There are different kinds of socialism other than the ones you're thinking about. Just like there are different kinds of capitalism other than rapacious, neoliberal that leaves millions of victims in their wake.

May his tenure be as bland as a 3 Doors Down song. I don't actually remember 3 Doors Down's music, hence calling it bland, and I wish Trump would also not do anything too memorable.

I really don't see anything in his background that suggests he'll be successful in fixing any of the big problems his supporters elected him on, especially globalization, which has built into it cheap foreign labor and accelerating technology. He's completely inexperienced in government. (I fail to understand why

The Second Coming only happens because Jesus is pissed at how he's portrayed in those films, comes down to complain, hires an auteur to get it right, goes back up again.

I hope that dog was paid enough to move into a bigger doghouse.

"My heart bleeds.." Not the best choice of words there. This is an informative article and I like how it's not even pretending to be tied a bit to pop culture. The AV Club turned so gradually to TPM that I didn't even notice. Kathy Baker can play her in the movie.

Okay but I have a feeling these people don't actually have any true understanding of the political parties, their proposals, and how those turned into law have worked or not.

One of the benefits of the AI apocalypse. Female robot actresses won't wear skirts to be lifted by sewer grate air, and all leering men, also known as men, will have been killed long before.