
Did Zephyr Teachout win her race? Anyway, Dems have to go back to the FDR-New Deal drawing board (that many Trump voters voted for) and have far more progressive candidates build their way up from the local level.

There's plenty, way plenty of blame to go around—this was everyone's huge failure—but I can't help but be mad at Hillary (whom I gladly voted for and who I thought was a great candidate) for not realizing that the fucking "right-wing conspiracy" she mentioned twenty years ago, correctly and presciently!, meant that

How about Mexico's immigration site? Sure, they got the drug cartels, but they seem a bit more rational than Trump. I can learn how to make cocaine!

On the bright side ("Always look on…") Politics Corner has a lot more material to continue a nightly version!

Right, which is what I thought since the beginning. He's Palin and doesn't care about actual governance/could know how hard it is for him, so he'll leave everything to Handmaid's Tale Pence.

It's pretty likely that if Trump is serious about his outrageously unconstitutional and awful, impossible to implement "policy ideas", that the Democrats and Republicans in Congress team up to stop him. Even Tea Party extremists in Congress would think twice. I don't know the numbers, but the establishment

What's the reference?

Hey my AV account isn't showing up when I log in. Maybe this the beginning of Pres. Trump's media bloodbath.

I don't care for popcorn. I don't buy anything at the concession stand. So far, that hasn't tanked the theaters I go to.

You don't need to hear "the greatest country in the (history of the) world" to be a proud American. I wish politicians would stop saying it.

I still like Ike :(

In many areas, America is dumb.

Why would I, a rational human being, go to a movie theater full of the ideologically rabid to watch a morally deplorable news network I can enthusiastically ignore in the comfort of my own home?

The death penalty in CA may no longer exist by Wednesday.

I'm trying to figure out when he had that hair. I've never seen him with that hair. Perhaps it's an alternate Sting from an alternate universe, one where Trumpian hair is the norm on everybody. Faux Sting. Anyway, that picture could be old, if not quantum.

Up until a few months ago, DeNiro was going to screen at his film festival an anti-vax movie by the fraud doctor, so I have no problem believing he got Arnie's vote wrong, too.

Fun fact: Viggo Mortensen still has a flip phone, according to his Colbert interview when he got a call in the middle of it. So that's how he's rich.

"The Green Party? Like the color of vegetables? Ew!"—Timmy, 8, who also recognizes that in the American system of political party duopoly, third parties aren't successful.

Kids love sticking out their tongues at girls.

One of the late night comedians showed a darling clip of Trump walking into an elementary school classroom and a kid adorably freaking out, saying "I'm nervous!" I'd like to see that again.