
I forgot that the movie, Grudge Match existed. So, thanks?

Daria Gray encourages you biological young people to go out and vote before you get older and its harder to go to the voting booth. (Damn, she looks great.)

The woman who is proud that she hasn't read anything about the election and candidates and who thinks groping for heterosexuals is great—wow, lady.

Guess we know the first white people Pres. Trump will send to Gitmo!

"Just a little of that amphibian touch/ Give me a little of that amphibian touch…"

I edited that bit out because I didn't want to make a competition over which liberal woman/women suffered the most.

Over at Red Lobster.

The poor Dixie Chicks: caught in another American patriotism scandal a decade later due again to right-wing idiots.

I mean, "I ended up using a team at UCLA and have no cancer whatsoever" kinda can be read as they destroyed the tumor. Or he never did have cancer to begin with. But then wouldn't you state that first?

What's wrong with good old-fashioned coffee, you bastard?

If this were bold—and it could be!—it would head straight for the class issues suggested by the premise. Working class v. "elites".

So I have a letter signed by John Lennon to the Queen of England. The smart thing, then, would be to sell it at a garage sale for 10 quid. Yep. ETA: Dammit, I can't read today. It was found in the record that was sold for ten pounds. Keep calm and carry on.

That interview really should have been on EWWW.

I'm glad for Maria Bartiromo behind the other big boob who's talking.

She's so excited she's gonna win the election! She's so excited she's gonna win the election! She's so scared she'll lose the election! It's all alright, cause she'll be saved by the polls.

Zach's observation that for some really young Americans, Hillary Clinton will be their first white president, was fantastic. I hadn't thought of that before. Yeah, I'm with people who say she comes across as comfortable and more natural than in her campaigning. Maybe be the same way during the debates.

I for one welcome our new Mara overlords, and would like to remind them that I can be a great scene partner in their underground acting enslavement camps.

According to the cast list, he's playing a character named Barry so it's probably not him in blackface. But I'm wondering why a right-wing evangelical Christian who is white would be interested in the weird premise of a black kid in an all Asian school. In America, I don't think there are that many all Asian schools,

Honestly, there ought to be museums of African-American culture and history in most American cities. Make them inescapable, so they can have a positive effect on race relations. (There might be many African-American museums in many cities! I'm saying like under a federal aegis.)

The Ryan Lochte Project. The horror!