
He has absolutely no reason to do this, except thinking it might be a fun experience. Okay, so he has a reason to do this.

Having just seen it, I was thinking: It's the music. The music does a lot of the work in making this feel like an epic. It's paired with epic imagery that would be generic action film if it weren't for the score. This one though also has a female heroine, the steely, beautiful face of Felicity Jones (such a great

The drugs have something to say. And even though they are drugs, they come from science, so let's give a listen.

Which I presume they originally took from Spring Breakers, starring Dave Franco's brother, James.

Woodley's video is like a parody of how liberals do messaging—a celebrity hippie writing on whiteboard while twee music plays. At least hold the shots a bit longer so I can finish reading what you're saying!

Looks like Sherlock is in a future dystopia—the threatening nurses, his grizzled appearance. But please retire the "Something's coming" trailer trope. Through ubiquity in every trailer for a thriller, its lost whatever excitement and suspense it generated. I'd also prefer it if Moriarty stayed dead; Toby Jones looks

I don't think you need the spoiler warning for the shower scene in Psycho. Wait, a minute—Darth Vader is Luke's father? When did this happen?!

Wait—the hedonist bisexual is the "most Republican" character?

I'm not bothered by Ryder's character. Her function seems to be that of grieving, hysterical mom. If the writers wanted to flesh out her character, they would have. They might as the series goes on.

That remains one of Spielberg's dumbest decisions.

Shows how impossible that is in this society, where defacing posters is all they can do. Similar to not being able to change institutional and systemic racism in American political structures, so people go after celebrities or anonymous people online over their dumb racist jokes. Both are symptoms of how bad things

So Cate Blanchett is playing the Brad Pitt role. She could also just play Brad Pitt. But she's too tall, or so I've been told, to fit into a suitcase.

The total number of cops, lawyers and doctors in America has to be far less than on TV, right?

I get annoyed with press questions about why an actor took that role, as if they have offers coming in all the time but this one script really spoke to them. I do wish more actors would just cut the BS and say "Money." There's nothing wrong with that, since being even a celebrity actor doesn't mean that you don't have

Good analysis (why the hate I don't know, as reviews of the last episode also talked about it politically), but I would take issue with your banner photoshop. The High Sparrow, as the show reminded us when it cut from his reasonable speech to Marge's brother in jail, may be a populist, but he also is a religious

So management saw Inherent Vice and said, "Well, we already cater to stoners, so let's go further."

Coming this summer: Do Not Put It In Your Bag! The Pen: The Inkening!

Well, as long as I don't have to call my mother right there and tell her I love her for some free McNuggets, I'm good. I don't remember if that was McDonald's or some other fast food place, but it was a very stupid promotion.

-I agree that any reveal now or soon would be meta-textual and not proper for the characters and organic form of the story just yet. I am perfectly happy waiting.
—I also am perfectly happy having Max von Sydow be Yoda.
—Man, Arya's montage was badass. I thought the other name they wanted her to reveal was her own,

Then try to forget I ever said anything! Nobody dies. I was kidding!