
Too much of a great society's downfall is based on chairs. When people are too lazy to stand all the time, they become too lazy to do all the other necessary work to keep a civilization going. This has been well documented in the historical annals. So, of course it is no surprise that Oprah Winfrey, with her chair

I didn't think that would be an issue. If you're already watching, you know what I'm talking about, and if you aren't, you don't. But sorry if I accidentally and vaguely spoiled something. Oh, if you're episodes or a season behind, yeah, that could be a spoiler, but I didn't say who, when you do expect this show to

You guys should do this feature with The Americans, now that they're not playing around, anymore.

Martin's philosophy, if he truly took it to its logical conclusion, doesn't work for stories, much less for a story set in this highly brutal world. If Westeros existed, not one of the characters would be safe from death. But fiction demands heroes who live to fulfill the quest. Maybe he will kill them all in the next

I'm sorry! Blame me for it all.

Yes, but then I couldn't make the joke, which is all I care about.

It's not his problem: Colbert doesn't have to find out "who he is" in late night. The ossified, overly broad talk show format is the problem. A network homogenizing a clever comedian/satirist because it thinks the audience is too dumb is the problem. And then you create a self-fulfilling prophecy where the Cordons and

-Drop every other story and make it the Varys and Tyrion insult each other and keep dragons hour.
-Snow's revival was very anticlimactic. Of course he was going to wake up at the last minute, when everyone thought he wouldn't. They held the scene too long. Pretty cliched. And it was thematically linked to the Iron

I talk to myself when I practice Scientology in the bathroom—WHERE'S MY PEABODY?

I agree but I'm thinking that since slavery was the root cause of all subsequent racial problems that have bedeviled this country to this very day, another movie about how awful it is would, or should, do some good. People can spot allegories about today set in earlier times. People still are racist enough that they

To criticism of "another movie about slavery?", I say: art is doing its job of reflecting harsh reality and shining a light on social problems, in this case reminding us that America has never solved its race problems. We wouldn't have and need so much art about it if society, including the people, did do something

You're being willfully obtuse, jolly. Okay then, glad I was able to entertain you, I guess.

Dude, just stop. You really have to be trolling. No one can be this un self-aware.

To actually answer your question instead of going on a rapturous ideal of what art is and should be: Since we're not really a mass nonfiction reading culture, we get a lot of info from our movies, whether true or not. In politics, a reality TV show blowhard who is seen as an amazingly effective capitalist is at the

Oh, crap, I shouldn't have said that! Ah, it's too hot today.

That number will go down once the dog and cat political lobbies make some headway in Washington. #Oscarssobiped

Forgive me for being not being emotionally balanced responding to a post that wasn't emotionally balanced. And now you seem to be saying that because the "classic adventure story" had male heroes, we should always have male heroes? Those stories were written in patriarchal cultures and times, when women couldn't vote,

While recognizing that watching and enjoying an action movie is not in the same universe as deciding to kill people, I do think the stories we tell ourselves matter in how we view ourselves and each other. This is why I couldn't not respond to jolly green, and probably why he himself feels threatened. Because he knows

Well, I'm not one to blame violence on action movies and video games but our country's high gun death rate and our most popular genre of film can't be unrelated. You hear in mass shooting stories that the perpetrators thought themselves action movie villains or in gun stories that people who are for no controls

J.J Abrams deliberately cast women and black male actors in an effort to diversify Hollywood. It's a good plan.