
Your foolish complaint isn't argument, either. In fact, there's a great, evidence based argument against your position: Throughout the history of film, from the very first one up until now, the heroes in a very high record of movies have been men. That you're complaining about two films with two women being the

Ah, hell, I'll respond: Hollywood discriminates against actresses in big, myriad ways. Having the leads, co-leads actually, of the biggest, most successful movie franchise of all time be women is objectively a great good for American culture and society. Nobody with a healthy, normal ego would protest this. So you

Never mind. It's not worth responding to.

British women leads for all the Star Wars films! Charles Dickens' mistress, second. Dame Helen Mirren, third. Swinton, fourth. A man can dream, can't he?

He looks like he's made out of Jello.

This is good news for us. If he can do it, we can too!

But I thought from Hollywood that it was the men who dressed liked slobs and their fashionable girlfriends who reformed them. You mean women can dress terribly, too?

While I agree with the concern, it's counterproductive to your argument to comment negatively at length on something you haven't fully seen yet in its final form.

To defend the naughty, foul-mouthed baby, I read his comment as satirical of conservative talking points that racism has been mitigated because there's a black president.

Say what you want about Romney (and there is plenty) but he does have matinee looks.

Drive (originally The Notebook)

The Shallows: Creating fear and damaging hatred of sharks for a new generation.

"Don't use extraneous words."

Rules are always flouted in common usage.

"Don't begin the title of your show with a preposition. It will invariably be cancelled."—Strunk and White, The Elements of Style, TV Edition.

So you're saying TBBT's professional writers have the same quality of comedy as AVC's yahoo commenters. Sounds about right.

Gore Vidal is sexily rolling over in his grave. And Freeman has come full circle in playing another foreign black man who advises the white hero in a historical epic.

Speaking of anthology films that are slightly tinged with horror, everyone should see Wild Tales. Not a bad story in the bunch; very well made; very mordantly funny.

How about this: the readers of a pop culture website are the only ones who can stop a bloviating orange man from destroying the world. That has potential!

The snow coming down at the end was beautiful.