
Oh yeah, there are a ridiculous number of iconic shots in all of his films. Bridge of Spies, again say what you want about the quality of the film as a whole (which to me is great), looks absolutely beautiful. Warhorse also had amazing shots.

Sounds like an academic paper on pop culture, which, if they're not abstruse, I would like to see more examples of. Cross those streams of genre and culture!

Yes, that's a very neat shot that pithily encapsulates the movie.

I think there are better shots from both Schindler's List and War of the Worlds. While the red-coated girl from the first movie is iconic, I would choose the shot of Schindler watching the ghetto extermination, or any number of other shots that are beautiful in black and white. War of the Worlds, say what you want

No, he knows what he's doing. His earlier films have more of a conventional narrative and style. His films since The Thin Red Line have been more impressionistic, and that has carried over to how they're made. Malick has a sense of where he's going, but he likes free association and spontaneity, where he tries to

A three-month university project about Friends. Huh. American higher education comparable to the storied universities in Europe.

That's Eugene McCarthy Simmons. Major progressive who moonlights as a campy rock musician.

I feel the headline could be more attractive and is burying the lede. If Clubbers wouldn't know who Dan Simmons is, put in "horror arctic tale" or something. "Anthology drama series" is a bland way of putting it.

I know the film industry should make black films that are not all about slavery and racism, but I've been wanting a Kindred movie since I read the novel. It could explore some issues that haven't been dealt with before, namely the awful miscegenation aspect of the institution.

Actually they improve cognitive functions, so playing them you'll remember that's the country from Aladdin and not a real place.

I don't think Hopkins is capable of being as villainous as Martin Shkreli. That guy's the worst!

If only the military were an elaborate, high-intensity physical fitness program, lots more people would join. It's just those pesky wars and death probability that are keeping Americans from signing up. Otherwise, sure, valorize the military.

I read that as Rooney Mara and was very excited. She'd also work. Basically have the both of them play the same characters throughout their careers, culminating in them playing sisters at the end of their lives.

Yep. The political F word gets thrown around too much these days, but that was sounding fascist.

Dammit, I wanted that, too. It'd be awesome to have a painting-off competition on TV. No, instead of an Iron Chef, do a Project Runaway where a top museum curator advises contestants on weekly paintings.

I hope it's nominated for Best Picture, and wins. But this year seems to have a surfeit of great movies, including the very different Spotlight, which has been getting raves and might take the big prize.

And how they pronounce "controversy." This is the official How Funny The British Talk thread. Go nuts.

Do South Africans leave out the definite article before saying hospital like the British do? I just finished Neil Gaiman's Anansi Boys, and I was reminded how he's said he's had to change some things for American audiences when a British character said another character had "gone to the hospital." Since Strunk and

Ooh, having just finished that, I hadn't thought of it but it's a great idea. Peele as Fat Charlie and Key as Spider. They kind of are those types anyway in the Obama-Luther sketches.

It's pretty sad, really: otherwise intelligent women keep making the same mistake and being ensnared by the church. Hopefully with the Going Clear book-movie it'll be harder for anyone to be fooled by Cruise's, uh, attractive qualities (if manic dead-eyed intensity is your thing).