
“Why buy at launch?” This is exactly why. Because of strong sales, Square felt justified in increased investment in the project for FREE post-launch support.

That gamestop exclusive is the only one that really bothers me. The rest are accessories or cosmetics, but that one is an exclusive game that looks really fun and is sadly attached to pre-ordering a disc form.

Given we havent had an outrun game in years (and the newest one was removed from xbox store) and every racing game these days is open world, I’m just happy someone is doing something like this. Looks not so great, but still glad it exists.

wasnt that why gta san andreas got the updated ESRB rating when hot coffee was discovered? Completely inaccessible without modding, but files were on the disc and therefore influenced the rating.

I love how tekken has every character speaking their native language. Dont think any other game does that quite so thoroughly.

not shallow, outfits determine stats. Kind of weird since no one knows how the competitive scene will play out with that, but its very much customization as a gameplay mechanic rather than shallowness.

on PS4 you hold left on the dpad, its a key binding option in the options menu. I imagine it might be similar on PC

matter of weeks? have they confirmed an announcement date?

charging stations? The official rechargable pack just slots into the existing battery bay and charges via a usb cable that comes with the pack. You just plug in and recharge, and its nice cause you can also at the same time update the firmware on the control while you’re at it. They’ve released a few updates so far

Fahey, the rechargeable pack doesnt require a separate lid. Its the size of two AA batteries and goes where the batteries go, so your selected back can be any color you want it to be.

as Actraiser not part of the same series? same developer, themes, music, and the GUI was identical. Love me some Quintet

Group fights exist at gyms. You can all team up against the pokemon and collectively damage the pokemon set up there. I imagine the system is there for legendaries whenever they spawn, but I thought they delivered on that piece.

No love for the bigs 2? Only sports game Ive ever played a ton of, so much fun

what happens if trigger warnings are my trigger? this is the modern day unstoppable force meets an immovable object paradox

must have missed them in editing. Saw the other two replies, seems like it was a trigger warning type thing. What a world where we have to tiptope around a cat bird gryphon’s gender. Today I’m officially too old for this website.

Is there a reason you used they to refer to the creature? Is it a Sony requested approach, or a weird way to avoid gender but not wanting to use it? Very confused.

This is tracking to be the first kickstarter game that actually delivers a genuinely good, polished game. Fingers crossed

The simplicity is what makes it a good esports game. If you think about mainstream sports, soccer is one of the ones with the widest appeal, and yet one of the simplest rulesets. It’s not a game about knowing infinite strategies and plays, but rather about working well as a team.

Depends on who you ask and what you want out of the game. If you want exactly more chrono trigger then its not very good. If you want a game in the spirit of chrono trigger but with its own story and mechanics, then its fantastic.