At this point they have almost everyone back, so I’m just holding out hope for a live-action Secret Wars
At this point they have almost everyone back, so I’m just holding out hope for a live-action Secret Wars
I did check the credits and it was actually one of the biggest laughs in the movie for me. They credited the live action rats they used and one was named Crisp Ratt
It’s great for the character though because he’s got such a warm, pleasant voice normally that it’s always a hilarious shock when he goes into screaming bloodlust mode.
I actually kinda like it as well. I still like the original best, but it was pretty good. Much better than the Total Recall remake at least.
It’s still hard to believe she was also the shame nun from Game of Thrones.
I’m starting to wonder if the seasons of Loki are going to basically be the parentheses around the MCU multiverse. Like the events of this season are what cause it to be unleashed and play out through Dr. Strange, Ant-Man and Spider-Man, and then season 2 will be about trying to get everything put back in order again.
I really hope the Star Lord T’Challa is done well since it will probably be the last thing released with Chadwick
If this is anywhere near as good as The Animatrix then I’ll be happy. Especially considering that one part is done by Hiroyuki Imaishi and I love basically everything he does.
Yeah, the first movie is pretty much just a remake of the first 3 or 4 episodes of the show, but after that they start to diverge a lot.
I first heard of him when I torrented 4th Dimensional Rocketships. I had no idea who it was by or even that it was hip hop, I just thought the title was cool. His combination of mic skills and philosophical ideas blew my damn mind and I’ve been a fan ever since. I was mostly used to gangsta rap and pop stuff, so when…
Everyone wants to focus on Young Avengers being set up on Disney+, but WandaVision gave us Photon so now we only need 4 more for Nextwave
I thought the same thing, but also I’m sure you can probably just buy the patch from someone on Etsy and slap it on.
Man, “Holding Out for a Hero” is having a big week. This is the third time I’ve heard it after the recent trailers for the new Borderlands game and the new He-Man series
I was happy to see Eugene pop up as well. Now I’m wondering if this is a secret Good Place crossover, and the last few years can be explained by the fact that Pillboi is in charge of our timeline.
Yeah, I hoped, but when the Darkhold came up on WandaVision and AoS was never mentioned it seemed like it was officially irrelevant.
Yeah, I discovered it flipping through channels one day and had to record it and show everyone I knew. It was the “Space” episode, and it’s not often you see a show where god kills himself after losing a game of rock, paper, scissors and then a bunch of children cook and eat his body.
Yeah, when he said “I know what this place is” I was like, yeah, me too, I’ve been Dragoncon drunk on those elevators more times than I can count.
They mention Dolby Vision as well, but since that’s basically just good HDR I’m not sure if it will effect the cinema experience at all or is just for the 4k disc
I never really understood the point of their umami seasoning. MSG is half the price and probably more flavor neutral, the TJ version just seems like it’s for people who still don’t realize that MSG is perfectly safe.