
It’s not just them. I first saw the news on another site and they didn’t show any of the tweets, so I looked up articles from 3 or 4 other sites and none of them had any either. That screencap above is the first time I’ve seen what people are actually complaining about.

I haven’t seen this movie in a really long time, but often the phrase “Herkimer battle jitney” pops into my head for no apparent reason. There’s apparently just something about that specific combination of words that my brain really likes.

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Also DJ Hero was an entire videogame built around mashups. I still think my favorite one ever is “We Will (Robot) Rock You”

I have a bottle for when I just need some, but definitely the buttermilk version is the apex of ranch.

Ok, I feel better now. There was another article on carbonara on the AV Club a few months ago and none of the recipes used onion. That’s how my mom always made it though, and she would sautee the bacon and onions in white wine. To this day that smell of bacon, onions and wine all cooking together is one of my favorite

Yeah, I’d been following the movie since that first trailer because it looked amazing. Every time a new one came out I’d watch and rewatch, even though I worried I was over hyping it for myself. I ended up seeing it 5 times in theaters and getting a tattoo of the Immortan neck brand, so I think I can safely say that

Yeah, I still like Good Place better overall, but this episode of Future Man is the funniest single episode of anything I’ve seen in months.

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Janelle Monae doing Dance Apocalyptic on SNL

I still think anyone can enjoy One Punch Man. As long as you have the most general idea of anime tropes you can enjoy it. There’s a clip of Bill Burr on his podcast talking about watching it randomly, he knows nothing about anime and still loved it.