
Good decision. Love the OS, but HTC (I have an HD7) quality is crap. Whenever it's cold out, the proximity stops working until I press the screen hard back into its place. Tons of fit and finish quality issues as well.. Not impressed.

I think it's fair to say that most readers from developed nations will be scratching their heads at the above negative comments... Does the media in the US have that much power that it can make something that provides access to health care to millions a bad thing?

How many people are still running Windows XP? A piece of software written 11 years ago!

Points #2 and #4 are hardly injustices... If you choose to get a subsidized phone with a contract, can you really complain that you have to wait until it's up to get a new phone?

That's why I'll stick with Wind Mobile. (meanwhile, in my remote hometown, Bell has a complete monopoly)

If Apple were to release two versions of the next iPhone, one at the current 3.5" and one around 4.1", I have a feeling the larger screen would win out, just as it has on more diverse platforms.

If all you're looking for is a PC version of a MBA, just pay close attention to the Ultrabooks being released. The Lenovo U300 is quite nice! (and cheaper than a MBA)

I tried out a MBA at a store for the first time... I hadn't used a Mac since the G4 (incomprehensible power button placement btw). First thoughts: this thing is FAST, and that trackpad is unbelievable! Swiping through web pages and apps was an absolute delight.

I'm guessing you could sacrifice some portability for a designer/drafter's dream computer, if it supported touch and pressure sensitive stylus with good palm rejection.

As you're in the creative field, you should check out the video where Microsoft unveiled Windows 8. There's an All-In-One there that you might fall for: large display, touch screen enabled and can swivel down at an angle as a drafting table, or completely flat for cooperative use. If that thing is ever made and

I wonder if whatever forums existed pre-internet were also filled with similar comments when the command line interface was being replaced by the GUI.

What I got from various interviews with Nokia reps is that Nokia will in no event create a skin on top of Windows Phone. In reality, what is happening is that Nokia's partnership has the power to steer the capabilities, features and possibly some aspects of design for the entire platform.

Can I just say on the App side, that I cannot stand another Freemium game. You know the ones: slow gameplay, frustrating you into paying money in the hope that you might find some semblance of enjoyment. And I get it. Developers need to get paid, and people like free games.

Right click on the lower left corner. If anything, this new set up is more efficient than the old start menu.

Yeah. It's a total mystery how the past few hundred years of destroying huge amounts of forests and vegetation and releasing millions of tonnes of CO2 which had previously been stored out of the atmosphere for millions of years could have any impact on our planet at all.

Where do you think those CO2 farts comes from? A: Grass

Well the iPad two managed to fit an LTE antenna, power hungry display and bigger battery into nearly the same form factor. I'd say that's some pretty impressive industrial designing.

The hardware talk here isn't about the internal components (although these are of course intrinsically linked), but to the industrial design of the products. For example, your typical PC laptops and all-in-ones all look and feel cheap and unremarkable, while Apple's are something to lust after, every detail taken into

I can't help but think this scenario would be much smoother with a tablet that actually had an SD card slot.

The Lumia is coming to AT&T for 100$ with a contract and a heavy subsidy. Look at the off contract price. In many countries, subsidies don't exist or aren't that generous. I actually doubt you will see these devices in North America at all.