
Exactly! Don't know why the article makes it seem like this is brand new (Mexico and dozens of other countries have followed Australia too). On a side note, I love the numerical font on your notes. Hope our Canadian bills get a modern revamp!

I remember hearing about that. It sounds like a pretty seamless implementation, would like to try it! I'm never giving up my Chrome.

I found a pretty neat way to use QR Codes.

Please... Don't compare apples to oranges. Those were tablets specifically designed for commercial application and use resistive touch screens. The ergonomics and design attributes are obviously going to be different.

It's a volume wheel

The author of this post has as much cancer-causing potential as power lines.

CANDU reactors (among others) can operate on Thorium fuel cycles, and operating these reactors with Thorium is being assessed right now, notably in India. Like everything in the nuclear industry though, checks and more checks, approvals and tests will all need to happen before we can see the benefits of this new cycle.

I suspect you would be correct. Which of course brings about the age old question of "what defines art?" and perhaps just as important, "what defines GOOD art?"

Not necessarily. Android might be based on Linux, but it is substantially modified to accommodate its role as a mobile OS. The infringing patents are most likely mobile related, thus not affecting Linux at all.

Metro is a design language, rather than rules or guidelines. Within the design language (chromeless, focus on content and typography, fluid motion, etc.) I think there are tons of ways to create a unique experience that still feels coherent with the philosophy of the OS.

Sure, but the only way a lawsuit like this is going to be successful is if they can prove that the outage was caused by negligence on RIM's part, and not from unforeseen circumstances.

Right... Except that that article compares desktop browser performance, which can differ drastically from mobile browsers, regardless of what the browser is based on.

Love the Arya Stark reference. :D

Amazing. I'm a mechanical engineer, and I can only imagine what working on a plane like that must be like... Most likely a huge honour, and a huge pain in the ass.

On the plus side, Nokia uses Pentaband radios in their phones, so the european phones should work on any carrier in north america, once unlocked. Of course, you'd have to buy it outright.

Apple was able to move to a higher resolution because it had such a lousy resolution to start with. To not affect the layout of and look of existing apps, ideally, you want to just apply a multiplier to the pixel count (in apple's case, they doubled their old 320 x 480 resolution). To achieve the same result,

Yup, and even longer with the handy "battery saver" enabled, that kicks in at around 20% battery life.

Strap a Sprint phone to a cup of water, initiate a call and watch what happens... Nothing - liquid water does not have a resonating frequency.

The value of "good" industrial design has many aspects. Certainly durability is one of them, but so are aesthetics, look and feel, usability and so on.

I don't think that's necessarily proof of copy of design. Hide the labels on any HDTV and ask people to tell which is which. Or cell phones that are turned off. Or any other minimalistic design driven product. I still don't see anyone going to a store buying a Samsung tablet thinking it was an iPad, and that's really