
Being aware of the competition is important, and I would imagine that restrictions such as these really depend on your role in the company. A representative using another company's product doesn't make said company look very good, does it?

C was the first programming language I learnt.

I LOVED The Incredible Machine. Played when I was 4 years old on a 286 (fully equipped with obligatory Turbo button).

Sadly, this has a lot more to do with licensing deals than Microsoft actively trying to destroy a feature they know their users love.

I agree that Samsung designers are definitely getting "inspired" by Apple products. But trademark laws were created to prevent manufacturers from misleading consumers into mistaking a product with another.

Ahhhh, the old email-in-subject-line.

Google is your friend. You can easily force the update.

Looks like a blatant copy of this Artefact's WVIL camera concept... Only a much more narrow minded version.

I actually like @Owen_Hebden's answer much more.

A vertical drop is at 90 degrees (from the horizontal). So the 121 degree drop on this ride means that it actually goes inwards by another 31 degrees. That's what gives that impression in the video that you are about to just drop, since you can't see any rails ahead of you. Pretty cool effect!!