
I really think there’s a LOT to be read into that response from Tom Brady to Malcolm Butler’s instagram post, and it connects in to this McDaniels thing. Brady isn’t casually going out of his way to do that without thinking about what it means. He made a statement that the most important player on the team didn’t

Top 3 Beatles albums, aaaaaaand go!

Tibia honest, it was the ankle that was his Achilles heel

He was just trying to be humerus.

username checks out

I haven’t seen Canaan go down that hard since the Babylonians invaded.

The problem isn’t that Neymar pulls off cool shit during games. The problem is that Neymar is kind of a cunt. Ronaldinho did this shit all the time and literally got applauded by rival teams/fans.

Icelandic’s soccer team called, they want the chant you’ve been fucking up back.

The only way Under Armour knows how to win is ugly.

The irony of the picture below tore a hole in reality.

Strowman and Bliss are the best on-screen couple they’ve got. Well, after Rusev and English.

Trump is the kid who always hit the reset button on the Super Nintendo right before you beat him at Street Fighter 2.

Go fuck yourself.

I’m going to keep an eye on social media to see if/when the inevitable derailment comes.

I’n mot seeimg the problen.

Britt McHenry made me side with a tow trucking company. I hate her for that.

I’m sure as fuck not watching the documentary to find out but, the important question: WAS Brady’s daughter “being an annoying little pissant”? 

People these days. All these snowflakes go right to their mommy blogs when I correct them on facebook by telling them, “Actually, your kid seems a little ‘cunty’.” Now I’m not welcome at Thanksgiving anymore. Did I make a big deal about it when their kid had an allergic reaction at my Super Bowl party? No. I told them

As an unrelated note, Corey Graves’s commentary was so good during both Rumbles, but it just took a step up during the women’s Rumble. The line ‘If you got a back, Sasha’s got a knife’ will probably now echo in my head every time I see Sasha in the near future.

1. The ICOPRO banner at the Manhattan Center