I always think of this when I hear about the terrible things parents do to their children.
I always think of this when I hear about the terrible things parents do to their children.
I was thinking Barron was #4 but I realized I skipped Tiffany then again I think her own father skips Tiffany
I’m really looking forward to the articles this week. Today marks one year since my dad died, so my brothers and I were all together at my stepmom’s home when Prince died. My teenaged nieces patiently sat through several videos (since one of the MTV channels did a Prince marathon and my brothers and I were glued to…
I really love the level of concern-trolling required to believe a woman’s uterus would just drop straight out of her body if she ran too much.
Why would you all get behind this vapid opportunist?
It always takes two or more sides to make a war. If you want to ignore the orgy of evidence that suggests it could have all been easily avoided by Trump supporters by not showing up to a Tax Day March with malice aforethought. You wouldn’t want to keep doing that would you?
45's supporters planned the violence:
I had a devout, pious Catholic girl at my high school who refused to take any philosophy courses because “it messes with your mind.”
It’s nice that on Easter weekend, the Catholic Church has acknowledged that it has taken care of all the most important issues facing it, such as its decades long child abuse scandal. I’m glad it can now devote time to focus on the minor issues now that the major problems on the agenda have been resolved.
This is it. This is the whitest thing I’ve ever heard of. They did it.
And advocating punching nazis is the natural extension of nazis existing.
Religion should have died on the vine. It’s probably the worst scourge inflicted on humanity. Worst yet is the colonization of the image of “God” by white supremacy and its lasting negative effect on Black folk.
I’m going to watch the fuck out of it and give it a 5 star review to do my part in countering the inevitable flood of special snowflake tears from idiot trolls.
All that whining over a trailer? If they find out about Luke Cage, heads will explode.
Nowhere did this article even bring up circumcision. Why is it so hard to stay on topic when it’s about an atrocity that’s done to women’s sexual organs? Why is it always, “We must discuss the penis first!”