I have a suspicion that a Kevin Smith actually hates him and so he just gives him the worst characters that are actually just like he is in real life. But Ben is too dim to get it.
I have a suspicion that a Kevin Smith actually hates him and so he just gives him the worst characters that are actually just like he is in real life. But Ben is too dim to get it.
LOVE THEM! Also Found Goddessses
It’s the Askewniverse. View Askew.
Well I support your choice then. Good luck to you.
Do you remember the name of the vineyard?
An excellent point! I do have a drawer full of cheapie hotel cork screws. They require me to hold the bottle between my feet and yank up,with all my might. They suck.
I can’t tell if you are joking or being sarcastic or what. But screw tops are actually a good replacement for corks. They are big in NZ vineyards and you don’t run the risk that the wine gets corked, it provides a fine seal, and it’s way more convenient.
In the glory days of coffee shops, I would spend hours reading and writing (yes I did write a screen play for Hitchhiker’s Guide when I was 17, thanks for asking!). And the biggest red flag was when some aspiring poet would sit himself down, without asking, and “offer” to read me some of his poetry. You can actually…
Yeah. I feel like I’m 12 again, and new in town and school, and awwwwwwwkward. Like if I had been doing life correctly, I wouldn’t have to ask this question lol.
Niiiiiice. I so rarely meet someone else who can’t play the misery olympics and win when it comes to babies. So I just tend to nod and smile instead of saying “my baby slept til 930am, my morning was my own.”
Thanks for all the stars ;)
This is also my issue.
Blazing Saddles.
If that’s your plan, why not sell the house and use the money to go on a fantastic vacation instead?
Reno is awesome. Far away from Vegas, very close to Tahoe, cheap.
I think you need to not give your kids a vote. Kids are dumb and bad at financial planning. Their opinion is irrelevant.
It’s not because it’s AFTER conception. “After”means it already happened. Contraception is before. “Before” and “after” are two different concepts.