Thank you
Thank you
I’m sorry, I think I’ve been interfering. I have a little altar full of Star Wars figures and have Sam, Dean, Cas, Bobby, and Felicia Day up there with them. They might have been sent to a galaxy far, far away.
Hmm, I’m not sure where this falls under the sponcon umbrella, it is unclear. This is a good product yes, but owned now by Clorox.
Hmm, I’m not sure where this falls under the sponcon umbrella, it is unclear. This is a good product yes, but owned…
What is this nonsense? The Beatles discography provides many songs suitable for children. Blackbird was my go-to lullaby. Hell, with two possible exceptions (Sexy Sadie and Revolution 9) The White Album is pretty much made for kids.
I’m glad you got help before your life went totally sideways. :) I’ve been working stuff out for about 4 years. And every time I think I’ve got a full picture, I’ll turn to my husband and describe something and ask him....does that seem normal/okay to you? And the answer is usually no.
Hey person who doesn’t know anything about babies. (That’s you!) Rice cereal and rice are not the same thing. In fact, it’s a dried flake that is mixed with breast milk or formula and is made especially for feeding babies! It can be started as early as four months.
80 hours, only lv 40, 80% ish through main. But I like to wander.
But he’s real neat!
That is their daddy and they fucking dare you to make a move.
I was watching....I don’t know remember what...with my husband and started yelling “save the bombardier!” Unfortunely he hasn’t read this and thought I had lost my mind.
First rule of parenthood-these ungrateful, adorable little tyrants DO NOT GIVE A FUCK how crunchy you are, or what your plans are, or how ethically you plan to raise them. This is how people get all stressed the fuck out. You plan to cosleep? Ha ha, baby has terrible reflux and has to sleep in the car seat. Allergies…
Yah I have a feeling if this lady started offering rice cereal or some purées that she’d be a lot less tired. She strikes me as a helicoptery antivaxx type anyway. She’s making herself miserable and I have no sympathy.
I just read it, thanks for the recommendation. FULL OF TRUTH. My god.
I am SO close to this. I live in a tiny one bedroom. It was perfect when I moved in, I have since gotten married. I’m kind of a pack rat but I have lost an entire wall of bedroom. There are boxes a foot deep. Why? His dad keeps mailing us enormous boxes of crap he’s been keeping for 20 years. Every closet (2) is full…
To admit that beating children is abuse is to have to admit that you have been abused. And that is fucking hard. It forces a perspective shift, a ridiculously painful shift. I have been on team I got beat and I turned out fine. But it was never a parenting technique that I felt the need to emulate. And having to dig…
Nobody ever helped me. I don’t think I will ever get over that. So I intervene. In all ways, at all times. And so my feeling when people are like “but danger to myself!” Is not very nice. I have been harmed exactly zero times, whether intervening by calling the cops or getting in between a scary dude and young women…
Most of my adult life has been spent living in low income neighborhoods. I call the cops ALL THE DAMN TIME. To be clear, I don’t think it’s that the people who are poor are more likely to need the cops called on them, it’s just that there are fewer “private” places to be doing fucked up shit. I can hear a woman…
I got asl’d a couple of weeks ago. Twice! On a mobile MMO, by teenaged boys. I very clearly and carefully explained that I am 37, no I don’t think we should chat off game, this is not appropriate and I KNOW this because as a teen I myself chatted with grossly inappropriate people 2-3 times my age. What can I say, I…
She channeled Demosthenes to tell people’s fortunes. Educated grifter indeed!
My husband has a tendency to lean all the way forward. Our cat likes to jump up and get comfy on his back. So I occasionally get called to distract her, especially when he doesn’t have a shirt on. She looooooooves him.