Happened in Nevada too.
Happened in Nevada too.
Lol. I think it’s chains attached to lip rings but now I can’t unsee the spit.
I’m sorry, can you unpack this a little bit? Why would it be racist to say Tyga plays video games all day? I feel like this is less about race and more about your own negative feelings towards people that play video games. Which I guess you feel (if directed at a black man) makes it racist?
The clouds parted and it all became clear. I will say, the replies I have gotten have been worth the little time I spent on the article. Like you! Two lines, so simple, and yet all of a sudden a complete picture is forming.
Yeah I have a 24 hour rule. Except for stuff that has actual milk, I will eat just about anything as long as it hasn’t been sitting out more than that. But that’s my weird thing with milk. Uh, but hamburger helper with milk is eaten after sitting out even with milk. Totally fine.
BBC, Al Jazeera, and I have the Huffington Post app on my iPad because when big shit happens it gives me little pop up alerts that I like but I rarely actually open it. I just google whatever the alert was about.
Floppy ears! So cute!
Shortly after Michael died, there was an interview where she talked about him making pancakes or waffles for them for breakfast. It was so sweet and sad. I’ve been worrying about all of these kids for years. I really hope she can keep her head on straight.
Arglebargle! I blocked that one out! We now officially have our top three.
Oh I’m so sorry. But I did laugh very hard at the image of you on the airplane.
Because you are a smart person! We should all be so careful lol.
Haha yeah me too. I have worked in kitchens, and I’m super health codey there but my home kitchen? Uhhh. Not so much.
I think it’s The Oatmeal with the comic about alot/alittle/The Alot monster.
Raspberries are the best. No contest. Regular bears next. All else is a distant last.
I love mnemonic devices. Love em! Your teacher rocks.
I have had strep throat 30+ times. The one and only time I was treated in Kansas, they wrote me a scrip for 10 Lortab (Vicodin). For strep. The only time I have EVER been given pain meds for strep. A year later I had my wisdom teeth removed. 30 lortab scrip. I kept those babies around to take halves of for hangovers.…
No. It seems to be the second most common spelling mistake in American English. Lose/loose is the first one.
They are not people. They are living anachronisms who will be first against the wall when the revolution comes.