
Viruses and food poisoning are not equivalent. You may have a digestive issue. Related to eating vegetables.

Pretzel chips and sour cream? How have I never done this? Fucking brilliant. I love all things pretzel and all things sour cream but somehow combining them has never occurred to me. Lifehack? No! Lifechange!

I stopped reading at “severe food poisoning twice a year.” I’m an eater of sketchy food (both old and purchased at dirty places). I have only had food poisoning ONCE (Mongolian BBQ). So, I call either bullshit or too dim to have worthwhile insight. Twice a damn year? For how many years? What the fuck are you eating?

I haven’t seen that, but I will. And I will recommend one back at ya, a documentary called Meet The Patels. It’s not just a last name, it’s a whole subculture. And I went to middle school with a Patel, so I ended the movie feeling like I had known a celebrity. Also the doc about Satnam Singh, a Punjabi kid who spent

I feel like (I could be wrong) the produce got cheaper when I moved from Kansas City to Reno. I attributed it to living just over the mountain from the CA breadbasket instead of in the middle of the corn/soybean/subsidy farms.

I’m four years into cutting off my mother. She showed up at my door at the end of January. I was a MESS for weeks. The party line was always “we are so close, we have a special bond.” Undoing that damn near killed me. And she loved to tell “funny” stories. Like the time I tried to commit suicide when I was 5, and

Aww poor Walmart, unable to finance any sort of corporate responsibility like say.....a living wage. Yes I’d rather Modcloth go out of business. They will spend the next couple of years utterly destroying any good will they have accrued and tarnishing their brand. I’d rather they just closed up shop so we don’t have

Always marry Marcurio. I used to tease my husband that he never sounded as sincere saying “Hello my love” as did my beloved Marcurio.

If you haven’t played the game, there is no need to lie about it.

When you enter that valley, go up on the left edge. Aggro one to just in range of corrupter arrows and they will fuck each other up while you watch from up top. I aggro them by taking their radar off with tear last though cause they can and do climb.

My first stormbird I thought was a glinthawk. I was looking for glinthawks so when this bird showed up, I was all about it. Luckily, I was in a narrow pathway under a cliff edge with a pillar on the other side of the path. Because the stupid stormbird called three glinthawks. No idea how I survived. It was a loooog


Game, set, match. I’ve always wondered but I think we have our answer.

I have had We Built This Schmidtty stuck in my head for the last week.

Yah I keep waiting for a good article to chat about the game in the comments. And what did I get? “So Aloy’s make up is SO on trend.” Fucking ridiculous. Women can enjoy games based on a-sploding robots without having to check her fucking make up. Grr.

No the best cheddar cheese is made in Wales. Yeah I said it. A month or so ago, we found Snowdonia Cheese. This is not sandwich cheese. This is “I don’t eat it while husband is at work because we made marriage vows and sharing is part of that” cheese. The extra aged black bomber was a revelation. The purest essence of

Ahaha. I have a pretty big head (hats are hard to find) and a ridiculous amount of hair. When I was dating my exhusband and at my skinniest he told me once I looked like an orange on a toothpick.

I loved that fucking show.

You give excellent advice.

Counterpoint Mr Jackson, without Brits we wouldn’t have The Wire.