
I have nothing but hugs for you. I’ve read a number of responses that you wrote. It seems like you have been going through some rough times lately with the people in your life. My experiences are irrelevant, what I see as red flags in various comments are obviously only a tiny piece of the whole picture.

This sounds harsh but I don’t love people who think it’s funny to mock the suffering of others.

If your partner highlights and bolds the things you hate about yourself and makes you feel even worse, he is not a good partner. He should be encouraging you, not grinding you down. He has known these things about you for a decade. Why is now the time to tell you how much you fucking suck? It doesn’t matter if it

The only response should be block and delete. That’s a weird, gross question. When people show you who they are, believe them.

I’m on team “concerned about your relationship with husband” What was this big blow out fight? Do you guys fight a lot? Why don’t they get along? I can think of a million reasons she is making this her hill to die on, and only half are her problem.

You never know what the next five years holds. If working in a bookstore seems like the place for you right now, then do it! Depending on the store, there could be chances to move up in an environment that doesn’t make you crazy. College can be made less expensive. Grants, scholarships, work study are possible. And

I hope for peace for you and your family.

The 30 for 30 on Bo Jackson is awesome even if you aren’t a football fan. You feel better about lost accomplishments when you watch an athletic god come to earth lose everything in part because he was so far off the bell curve. You feel terrible for him and also not so bad about yourself. Well, I didn’t get that

Check out Etsy? When I was looking for the perfect pair of wedding converse they had a ton of people who glam up shoes. I ended up going with Warhol Black Bean Soup ones, not the sparkly but they really stuck in my mind. You might even be able to find someone who will decorate comfy shoes that you send to them. Yes

Diglet made some good points and to expand on them...the last (?) video she made a big stink about how her body was digitally altered, but there was proof she knew about it, or knew about a stand in. I can’t remember exactly, I try not hold her in my head. And she did interviews around the release of her “empowering”

The first time I laid eyes on my husband my first thought was “mine.” It was instant and scary and I danced around it for months. I never moved so slowly with someone in my life. We did hook up that night (cause I’m still me) but we weren’t any sort of couple for months. I kept him at arms length emotionally because I

Since you state quite clearly that that has never happened to you, why don’t you sit the fuck down. Because you know what? As an adult, I had the “perfect rape.” It would have been a 5 minute SVU episode. Stranger, violent, witnesses, and in rural PA (which is pretty racist) he was even black. Choo choo train to

The stuff from when I was that age only ever surfaced in nightmares. The stuff from a little older I remember. But whoever groomed me did it VERY well and even during years of therapy I never told anyone. Because obviously it was my fault, I was a disgusting gross person, and nobody would ever forgive me. And, as is

Hmm. When I was little, my mom worked as a census door to door person. But I’ve never had one come to my door. I do live in an immigrant rich neighborhood now, so if they come......to participate or not? I don’t want to hurt my neighbors, but I don’t really know which would be worse.

Please don’t Weinerfy him.

I’m from Pittsburgh. I was in my early 20s before it dawned on me that Jews don’t make up a significant portion of America. I lived in Squirrel Hill. My Girl Scout troop met at a synagogue (B’nai B’rith I think, on Wilkins). One of my first jobs was at the Barnes and Noble a block from the JCC. I assumed the US was

That’s James LeGros. In addition, he was also the pilot of the plane that crashed on Grey’s Anatomy. My husband and I have many, many, many inside jokes that reference Mr. Erotic Novels for Children.

Team Aniston vs Team Jolie. There were tshirts. And yes those are the Hilton sisters.

Like a Thundershirt for pets? How is this like a thundershirt? My dog has one. It’s like.....stretchy sweat pants material.

Like a Thundershirt for pets? How is this like a thundershirt? My dog has one. It’s like.....stretchy sweat pants

Well I know that we (me, Jen, all of America) appreciate how much you care about our well being. The break up was really hard on all of us. It’s really taken a friend like you to show us how to move on. And for that, we (me, Jen, all of America) thank you.